Going Home

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Dedicated to blackroseblooms for being the awesomest reader I have! :}


We didn't stay long enough to find out how many Erasers were coming after us. As soon as Ali was named we grabbed our things and flew for it.

So here I am, cruising on an updraft, with a sleeping two-day old baby in my arms.

We've been flying for almost five hours and I could tell that we were all tired. Even Ari, who never complains, was beginning to wobble in the air. "Alright guys," I called to them, "Lets go down for some chow."

We gently floated down to the small town below us. Fang landed right beside me and looked down to my daughter. "How is she?" He asked, carefully stroking her rosy cheek as she became fussy again.

"I think she needs changed, I'll be right back." I went inside the nearby restaurant and then going into the bathroom.

After I had successfully changed Ali, I walked back out and scooted beside Nudge at our table. Fang and Ari soon walked over with piles of steaming food. "How did we pay for this?" Gazzy asked as he began to chug down some Coke.

Ari held up a card from his pocket. "You guys aren't the only ones with inside help. Lets just say we're currently Millionaires." He winked and sat across from Iggy and they were soon talking about explosions. Weird.

Angel looked up at me. "Ali's not hungry, you won't have to feed her now." I raised my eyebrow at her but shrugged.

Fang watched me as I ate, his dark eyes calculating my every movement. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I said after I had swallowed the huge chunk of food. He chuckled and winked at me.

"Hey, Max... I, uh, think Ali wants to be held by someone else." Fang pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"Be careful," I warned him before gently kissing my baby's forehead. She grabbed a lock of my hair and giggled. "Damn, she's just like you." Fang cocked an eyebrow at me.

"How so?"

"Clingy," he glared at me but kept reaching forward for her. "Fine," I grumbled, gently slipping her into his strong arms. He was instantly happier, that strange glint in his eyes giving him an older look.


After we ate, we started off again. But this time we were on a loud, annoying, smelly bus...

I grit my teeth as the umpteenth paper ball hit me in the back of the head. I turned around to snarl at the kid, "If you don't mind, some of want to be LEFT ALONE!" The kid, slightly older than me, glared at me and kicked the back of my chair. "Why you little-!" Before me or the kid even knew what was happening Ari already had him by the throat.

The poor guy was now gasping for air as my little brother practically strangled him. "Ari, stop!" I yelped out, my hand covering my mouth.

But Ari only snarled harder. He brandished his large canines and ran his tongue over them. "My sister told you to stop annoying her, but you had to go ahead and not stop. What are you? Stupid?"

"Ari!" I seethed, my hands balled into fists, and stared him down.

Ari only ignored me and looked the guy over. "Now, as I recall, being a gentleman means you are NICE. And from what I saw, you weren't being nice. Listen here, bub, my sister just went through some pretty rough shit the past forty-eight hours, and all she wants is PEACE. You can do that, right?" The kid nodded quickly. He was soaked in sweat. "Good... Now get lost."

Ari dropped the guy, who instantly scrambled away, and at back down. He smiled at me as if I just gave him a hug. "Being your brother rocks."

"Ari, you just terrorized America's future. I'm pretty sure that does not rock."

He grinned even larger now. "You've never been under mind control, then." He shivered and shook like a dog. "Scary stuff, Max. Scary stuff. Where's Ali?"

I rolled my eyes and jabbed my thumb behind me. "Fang has her. He's letting her sleep before we get back to Mom's place."

Ari looked behind me. "Aw, how sweet. Daddy's little girl,"

"Damn right," a voice mumbled. I turned in my seat only to find Fang with his head against the window, eyes closed, and Ali snoozing against his shoulder. She looked peaceful.

I secretly took out a camera- I swear the guy dropped it- and clicked a picture of them before Fang could flip us off.

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