The capture

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Months went by and my stomach became large. I remember well the night when I had to tell the rest of the flock about the baby.


I sat on the sand and rubbed my stomach in the firelight. Fang sat beside me, a curious glance being sent my way. "Max? You okay?" He asked and I grimaced.

"Kicking," I said and he nodded, enjoying the heat from the flames

"What's wrong with you, Max?!" Iggy suddenly blurted out and I stared at him, uncertainty all over my face.

"What do you mean, Ig?" Fang asked and he, Iggy, pointed two inches to my left and frowned.

"All night I can hear her mutter words and all day I hear her stomach make thumping noises. What is it?!"

Angel licked her hands from he burger and said, very loudly, "Fang got her pregnant, duh!" After the words left he mouth she got wide eyed and tried I take it back, but I was forced to explain.


I smiled, the wind hitting my face and the sun warming my wings. And suddenly I was hit with what felt like a freight train.

I went spiraling downward, a scream caught in my throat as I flapped in the sky. My left wing had blood dripping from three puncture wounds and it wasn't working right. I could hear the ground creeping closer and I turned to my back, hoping to protect the baby inside.

But instead of something hard and gut wrenching, I fell into outstretched arms. But they belonged to an Eraser with a wicked grin, his face all wolf. "Tut, tut, Max. I thought you were better than that." It wasn't Ari. The scar, eyes, hair, voice, even his muscle was copied, but it wasn't him. On his shirt it said Blaze it dark brown stitching.

"Blaze? What kind of stupid name is that?" I scoffed and he snarled, the yellow fangs glistening in the sun.

"Shut up! I may have his memories Max, but I am completely and most definitely not him. I am better."

I shook my head with a laugh. Stupid hormones. "No, you ain't him at all. He was smarter, funnier, caught on quicker-"

"Caught on?" I smiled and pointed up where Gazzy was about to judo kick him in the face. Blaze's hand shot out and grabbed the kid's foot and threw him to the ground where more Eraser's took him and tossed him in a crate, his screams echoing in my ears.

"Gazzy!" I screamed and kicked Blaze everywhere I could, but he was faster. WAY faster. I felt his boots and claws rake my body into ribbons but I kept fighting, getting him a few good ones in the chest.

But someone shoved a damn needle into my butt and my legs didn't wanna work. "Max!" I heard Angel scream as I fell into someone's arms for the second time today.

Looking up I could see the same face that used to tuck me in at night.


I awoke to the sound of raspy breath and two people talking in hushed tones. I pretended to be asleep to listen. "But what if subject one is? These tests don't lie."

"But what if she isn't? We could continue with the reproduction process."

"But if she IS then we won't have to start it, we could-"

Then the door flew open and I heard Jeb's voice. "What's going on in here? You wanted, no, demanded to see me?"

"Er, yes sir." The first voice said. It was a woman. "S-subject one i-is, um, HCG positive."

I was confused. What the hell is HCG? But Jeb spoke again. "You mean what you say, doctor? She is really in the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin stage? How far?"

The second voice hesitated. "Er, s-seven months sir."

I heard Jeb walk over to my bedside and he froze. I tried to move but it felt like someone was holding me back. "You mean-? If Maximum is HCG-? Who is the DNA giver?"

"S-subject t-two, sir." I felt Jeb's hands on my face and he turned it to face him.

"Max, I know that you're awake and that you can hear me. So I want to hear the truth. Is Fang the father to your seven month old child?" Okay, so my question was answered.

But when his wasn't he flipped and pulled me into a sitting position. "Max! Tell me!" I wanted so bad to flip him off.

No, don't move Max. That needle in your arm has poison in it. If you move, you, and the fetus, will die.

Great timing Angel! Thought you'd never talk to me again as the Voice!

Note the sarcasm.

"Okay then," Jeb's voice scared me now, it was too calm. "II'll just have to answer my own questions." And then he pulled something out of my left arm and stuck a needle straight into my hip. "Have fun with that, Maxi."

Fire. That's all I can say. It felt as if fire was in my veins, slowly creeping towards my swollen stomach. I panicked as I could feel my kiçker begin to move rapidly. And I felt as if someone just grabbed my stomach an was pulling it off. I screamed as loud as I could, but I was the only one who could hear it.

My eyes wouldn't move, they just simply stared at the pale ceiling while my body moved uncontrollably. The screams echoed and pounded against my skull as my fingers tried to rip my body from the bed. But I still couldn't control my movements.

And then new pain, in my stomach, and it was concentrated there. I felt Jeb touch along my sides gently as I thrashed again. "Nurse, get a doctor in here." in minutes I could feel multiple hands on me, tugging and pulling at my crazy limbs. "Oh and Nurse, bring me subject two."


I was pulled into a room that had a whole half wall made of glass. and then I was locked inside it.

I turned around to face the glass but my heart stopped. I could see Max, paralyzed, on a bed with doctors poking needles into her. And suddenly, she became alive.

Screaming, yelling, cursing and kicking. Max was gonna fight to the death if they touched her again. Go Max. But she grabbed her stomach and slammed back into the bed with a groan. Jeb leaned down towards her face. "Smile, Fang can see you." She grabbed him by the collar but was too weak to hold on. "Now, now, Max, this is going to happen wether you want it too or not. That child inside you is ready to come out, and you can't stop it."

I slammed against the glass, my hands balled into fists as I cursed at Jeb. "And it looks like Fang can't stop it either."

I watched as the other doctors pulled Max's legs up and held them there as they yelled at her to push. Soon Jeb looked a little pale. "I can see the head!" One doctor yelled and I pressed my face further to the glass, hoping to see my kid.

A crying broke out and Max relaxed a little as they held the bloody newborn over a sink. They snipped the cord thingy and washed away the grime before placing it in a pink blanket. "What is it?" Max suddenly asked, her voice raspy.

"It's a girl Max." Jeb said as he took the bundle and walked towards me. "Fang, say goodbye to your daughter." I slammed my fists against the glass, causing it to crack as tears filled my eyes. Jeb walked away quickly before I could break it further but I was restrained. Someone drugged me but I was still able to watch Max throw a doctor against the wall.

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