Two too many distractions

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It was maybe two weeks later when Fang got back another letter from his so called 'father.' "I don't get it," I said as I sat in his room on the edge of the bed. "Why does he write back immediately? Was he excited or something?"

Fang shrugged but suddenly jumped up. "I apparently have a brother by the name of Mike... Max, this was written in Colorado! We could get there in 4 days if we cruised."

I looked at him and frowned. "Fang, I think maybe we should wait awhile before racing over to meet your 'father' and 'brother.' It might not be what you wanted."

He nodded, a slight hesitation in the usually fluid movement. He turned to face me in my tank too and shorts and he smiled before leaning down to me. "What, would you miss me if I left?"

"Like hell." I grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled his lips to mine ferociously, indulging his sweet and tangy scent of pine. I felt his teeth graze over my lip and I smiled, enjoying the feeling.

He placed his hands on either side of my body and gently lowered us to the bed where he was on too and me bottom. His hands wound themselves up my sides and to my jaw as I held his face to mine. He chuckled as I pulled him closer. "Max, I'm not going anywhere tonight."

"Good, then we have all the time in the world." I muttered against his neck as I buried my face in it. He rolled to my side and wrapped his arms around me.

And then the damn door had to fly open. "Max, Fang I- we jumped apart and looked over to see a fumbling Nudge as she kept trying to hold on to some papers in her small arms. "I think I found-grr- information on Itex!"

I sighed with relief and took the papers from her unsteady fingers. "What did you find?"

She pointed to a circles area and frowned. "Part of them is in Alaska."

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