The truth will rain

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We stayed at Fang's family house for a whole week before we decided to leave. And the puking never stopped.

It wasn't uncommon for them to find me in the bathroom puking my guts out while Mike and Fang just laughed behind closed doors. "Shut up!" I yelled as I flushed the toilet and washed my hands.

I walked out to find a concerned looking Fang who had his arms crossed against the extra room's door. "Is there something you want to tell me?" I suddenly became very nervous. "Max, you've been sick all week, just tell me what's wrong. Are you ill?"

I pushed away his outstretched hand and barked, "I'm fine!"

He held me by my arms and pulled me into the room where it was dark outside. I locked the door. "No, you are not." He looked me in the eyes. "Tell me."

I sat him down on the bed and looked out the window where I could see the pale mare trotting around the field. "Fang, promise me you won't get mad?" He nodded quickly, wanting to hear my answer a fast as possible. "Okay then... I-I... I'm, er, um..." I pulled at my hair nervously. Why is this so hard?!


I sighed deeply and hung my head low as tears threatened to spill. "Fang... I'm pregnant." I clamped my eyes shut and waited. Waited for something drastic to happen. But nothing did.

"Y-you mean..." he looked up at my slightly open eyes and his mouth quivered. "You... have a... baby?" I nodded very slowly, I'm not sure he even caught it. "And its mine?" I nodded again but this time more forceful. "Have you told anyone else?"

"No, but Mom gave me the tests. She thought I was pregnant too."

I felt his hands gently push my shirt up and they rubbed over the bump, sending pleasant chills down my spine. He pulled me down to the bed and kissed me gently. Me on my back and his hands on either side of my body. His hands found the hem of my shirt and they pulled it over my head, leaving me in a very small tank top.

I don't want your innocence to become evil, so I'm gonna leave the night's tale right there for ya.

The next morning I woke up, naked again, next to a, yes, naked Fang. But that was beginning to become normal, which is sad. I stretched my arms and legs, feeling the joints pop in the process. Yawning felt so great right now because I don't think I breathed at all last night, what with all the make outs.

Sorry about that, pal. But anyway, I looked over to find Fang gently stroking my bump with his thumb and he grinned at me. "Morning baby-momma." I gently slapped him and he chuckled before moving closer, pressing himself against my back.

"Dad and the others won't be up for an hour or so,"

"Mmm..." I moaned as he gently touched my thigh in order to pull me closer.

"How's the baby?"

"Same as the last time you asked. Fine." I placed my hand on top of his where it was resting on the bump. My baby-bump. Which was kicking. "Fang, you do realize that the baby just kicked, right?"

"Yea, s'been doing that for the last few hours. Woke me up even."

I turned around to face him. "And you didn't tell me my baby was moving already?"

"And you didn't tell me we had a baby?"

I glowered at him. "Touché." I reached over into the drawer on the nightstand and pulled on some clean clothes as did Fang. I barely slipped on my shirt when the door flew open to reveal Natasha and George who was smiling.

But then he frowned and my heart dropped into my guts. "Well now, I owe Kay ten bucks." Natasha jumped up on the bed and nudged my bump with her paw. "Anyways, breakfast should start soon and I need your help bucking hay, son. You know, before you leave."

I heard a sigh of relief behind me and when a shirtless Fang moved from the bed I couldn't help myself. I pulled him back down and kissed his lips gently. "Well I call that a proper goodbye." I heard George say and my cheeks flushed.

Fang left, a cocky grin plastered to his face, and George helped me out of bed.

After a few hours Fang and I left with all of our things. It was a happy yet tearful goodbye. We flew for a good few hours when suddenly Fang gestured toward a rock outcropping over the water.

We landed and he turned to face me. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant sooner?"

I crossed my arms defensively. Then tears threatened to spill, mostly because I didn't know why. "I don't know." I forced out and he came closer, his musky scent filling my nose.

"Max, tell me." Why does he care? "Okay, then will you tell the group today, because we're only ten minutes away."

I was shocked. We couldn't be that close, could we? I made a strangled noise and he grinned, his dark eyes lightening a small bit. "I'll take that as a yes." I glared at him as he picked up his belongings. "Lets go,"

As we flew we got closer, and with each wing stroke came a new worry. What will they think? What will they whisper? Will they still accept me?

I shook the thoughts from my head and landed gracefully, well for me, in the backyard. My mom came running out to meet me asking what the test said. "Positive," I whispered and she smiled broadly while doing some sort of dance.

The Flock and Dylan came running out. Dylan looked pissed and was constantly sending daggers toward Fang, who happily sent them back. "Enjoy your honeymoon?" He asked with venom dripping in each syllable.

"We did, actually." I told him with a smug smile as Fang fist bumped Iggy. "Here Nudge, this is from Fang's mom."

"His mom? You found your parents?!" After Fang explained everything I handed out the gifts. Iggy and Gazzy got a book about the world's biggest explosions (oh dear God). Angel got a camera and some frames while Nudge got a magazine about fashion.

I tossed Dylan his gift which was a box of homemade cookies. "Cookies? Are they poisoned?" I shook my head and he but into one. "I'm watching you," he said through thick chocolate.

"Stalker much?" I asked as he walked back in to take a seat on the couch. I handed Ella her necklace of intricate rocks from Mike. "Since you were the same age he thought you'd like it."

"Oh, okay..." she said with a shaky smile.

"In kidding Ella, this is for you." I handed her the real one which had beautiful gems woven in to it.

"Thanks Max!" she said before racing into the house.

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