March of the bird kids

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That stupid little plus sign caused my whole world to shatter and then rebuild itself. With my mouth wide open I placed my hand atop of my stomach only to find a small bump. How long have I been pregnant?
I took the other one and waited. As I held it up to my face I once again shuttered. I've been pregnant for apparently four months, which sound about right. That was the first time I did it with Fang after the letter...
Fang. How was I gonna tell him? Would he want a baby? How was I going to tell the Flock? "Hey guys, we got some Erasers headin' our way and are about to drop a bomb on us. Plus I'm pregnant." That just did not sound too appealing.
I wrapped the tests in toilet paper before washing my hands and reaching for the doorknob. But I turned back around and lifted up my shirt to expose the very small bump.
My right hand gently rubbed over it, then again much slower. The bump was between my hips but I knew it was going to become visible soon, so I had to tell the group this week. And that would not be pretty.
I looked up back into the mirror to find my reflection smiling broadly. "Why are you smiling?" I asked defensively and they replied.
"Because we have a baby growing inside of us. And its not Dylan's."
I growled in frustration. "How can you be happy? Our whole life is ruined!"
Mirror-Max looked shocked and shook her head. "Maxi, our life was ruined when they put avian DNA in us. It was also ruined the day you found out Ari was your brother and then he died. This child, be it boy or girl, will make all of that worth it. Trust me."
I went to talk back but then I realized I was only talking to myself. I guess this officially makes me the crazy one...
I walked out into the hall only to find Fang with two backpacks. "We're leaving. Today."
I nodded and slipped on my pack before entering my room. "Come on, I already prepared a note." I pulled out the paper from my desk and lay it on my bed. Fang threw open my window and we both jumped out, unfurling our wings and enjoying the warm updrafts.

It didn't take us too long to reach Colorado. Maybe a full day or something but I barely noticed. My thoughts were still on the bump. "Max?" I looked up to see Fang frowning at me. "Are you still sick?"
I looked down to where my hand was and removed it sheepishly. "Nah, just a bit hungry." It was the truth, we didn't eat breakfast or dinner and I guess he understood.
"We're not that far, maybe five minutes." I nodded again but as soon as he turned away my hand flew back up to the bump and I rubbed it.
"Maybe I should tell him first..." I muttered as we banked downward onto a small farm like place with a small red barn.
"This looks like it, Max. See, there's his green truck." We circled downward and came to a semi-graceful landing behind the barn where quite a few pigs were munching. One of them squealed as I stepped over it, giving me a miniature heart attack.
Fang laughed lightly as I cursed out the pink mammal but became quite as a tall man, 6'4", walked around with a pitchfork in his hand. "Who are you two?" He pointed the pitchfork at me first and then to Fang. "Are y'all some hooligans?! Trying to steal my piglets?!"
I bit my tongue to keep from laughing.
"No, we're here to see George." Fang stepped forward and pushed the fork aside with his hand. "I'm Nick."
The man's eye suddenly filled with tears and he pulled Fang in for a bone crushing hug. "Nick! Oh, how much you've grown! Look just like your mother!" Fang tried to wriggle free but got pulled back as the man hugged him tighter.
Then my laughter exploded. I began to hunch over and hold my guts as I giggled and laughed, all the while earning murderous glares from Fang. "Um, yea, who're you?"
The man let him go and wiped his eyes, which were a bright green. "Nick, I'm your father, George." Fang smiled broadly under all of his snippy hair and he walked towards me, who was still laughing on the ground.
"Er, George, this is my friend Max. Max," he helped me up, but my face was still red. "This is my dad."
I gave a half wave as I tried to get my laughter under control but then I felt the bone crushing hug. "Ugh! George, if you want to let me live, I suggest you let go!" I gasped as he dropped me on the ground but he stood me back up.
"Sorry, um, Max. I'm not really a hugger but Nick here has told me lots about you. Where are the others?" He looked behind us and I shrugged.
"Still at home, we left without them. Ouch," I muttered as I rubbed my wing beneath my shirt.
George smiled, the goatee making him look kinder, and gestured toward the house. "Please, come in! My wife, Kay and Nick's mother, made breakfast. There's enough for all of us."
"Sounds awesome," I said and was already walking towards the door when a large, white and black object came running out of the open doorway. It barked at me furiously and wagged its tail just a much.
"That's Natasha, our border collie. She loves visitors." Natasha licked my arms as I rubbed down her smooth fur and left with a pat. She felt like silk.
We walked through the door, Natasha on my heels, and the aroma was heaven. Bacon, sausage, pancakes, eggs, gravy, biscuits, and even omelets! My mouth felt like Niagra falls, and by the look on Fang's face, I'm guessing his did too.
"Kay, Mikey, this is Max," George pointed towards me and the woman smiled gently, "and Nick." She turned her eyes to Fang and she dropped the pan she was washing in the sink.
Her hand went to her mouth as he walked forward and examined Fang's features. "Nicky? My son?" She moved back his hair and tears fell down. Suddenly she brought him into a hug and cried all over his chest.
Did I mention she was short? Well, she was like an even four foot six. "Kay, we should offer our guests some food. They've had a long journey here."
"Yes, of course!" She pulled out two plates and piled food on top of them, making my stomach jump.
We sat down and dug in, doing our best with manners, but it was too hard. Suddenly a boy around twelve came marching downstairs, his chestnut hair sticking up at odd angles and a backpack in his hand.
"I want pancakes, Mom, I have a hike today." The boy, who I assumed was Mike, looked up and spotted us with our mouths stuffed with wonder ours delights. "Who are they?"
He took a seat across from us as George took one beside me. "Max and your brother Nick."
"The one you always talk about now?" George rolled his eyes but nodded. Mike took a closer look at us. "How did you get here? I didn't see a car pull up."
George went to speak but looked flustered. "How did you get here." I looked at him and swallowed the big wad of egg and ketchup before turning to Fang.
"You haven't told him?" I kicked his chair and he glowered at me.
"I told him we were different, not that we had wings." George kept looking at us curiously and I sighed.
"We'll tell you after we eat. We traveled nonstop."
After every last bit of juice and hot food was gone we walked outside into the golden rays of morning. "Okay now, everybody take a step back and pay close attention."
They did as I said and I shrugged off my backpack. Then, very carefully, I allowed my wings to spread out and they grazed Fang's black ones. I looked at him and nodded before pushing off the ground and flying high.
I soared around the barn once with Fang behind me and landed back where we started. His family had shocked expressions.
"You can fly? Dude!" Mike exclaimed as he ran over and touched Fang's wings. "Now I can see why Dad likes you so much!"
Kay smiled gently before placing her hand on my shoulder. "It is quite amazing. They look as if they were made for you guys. Does it hurt when they move?"
"Nope," I popped the P. "Feels like flapping your arms up and down but actually flying, you know?"
George frowned with interest. "So this is what you meant by different? Doesn't seem too drastic..."
"It doesn't, Kay. They seem extraordinary." Did I mention George has a slight British accent? No? Well I just did.
We sat on the grass and talked for hours, Natasha kept prodding my bump but I told then I spilled a bacon bit on me. Natasha would whine when I pushed her away so I'd have to scratch behind her ears just like Angel did Total. "And then we have Nudge, dark chocolate skin and hair with big round eyes the same color. She talks all the time." Fang said as he picked at a daisy by his arm.
"And Gazzy, also known as the Gasman." I told them while brushing dust from my pants.
"I don't even have to guess what he's good for." George laughed as we nodded.
"And Angel," Fang started.
"The youngest," I added and he grinned cockily at me.
"She can read minds and stuff. Don't get that six year old mad, I did it once and I couldn't stop doing embarrassing things." I chuckled as he shook his head. "And then there's Max. She is stubborn, annoying, and one heck of a leader."
Mike frowned as I slapped Fang's shoulder. "You let a girl be leader? If it were up to me, I'd say that Dylan kid should be the boss. He sounds epic."
I shoved my head between my legs and groaned. "Kid, he is anything but epic. He whines a lot and bugs me when I say no to him. Plus he sings."
Fang groaned with me. "Plus he's always trying to get on everyone's good side, making it worse."

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