Hawkeye's Psychopathic Writer COMPETITION

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How to be a Psychopathic Writer:

Part 4: Deal the Death by Hawkeye

Why hello there everybody it is that time of the week again when you get to read my thoughts on a particular topic.

However this week is going to be very different.

This week instead of ranting like I usually do, it’s your turn to do some work to prove you are putting my teachings into practice.

I can hear you all screaming out! “Hawkeye how can we possibly showcase to you our talents, when your skills are so much more superior than ours?”

Well my lovelies, the answer is quite simple. Like using a bow, you must practice.  Which is why this week I am setting you homework.

“Holy shit! Homework?” I hear you all cry out in anguish.

Woops! Guess I forgot how much I hated it during my school years. But now I’m inflicting it on others. I grin like a maniac. Hehehe.

How about we call it….a competition! That’s rightA COMPETITION!

Right serious faces on people.

Hawkeye’s Deal The Death Competition

Now, that sounds better than homework doesn’t it?

Your task (should you choose to accept it) is to send me your best death scene. This can be an extract from the novel you’re currently working on, or it could be a random one you make up on the spot. Doesn’t bother me but as long as it fits into a Wattpad message box then its all happy days. If it’s longer than 2000 characters, two message boxes will probably be enough (but please no longer than 2).

The reason why is so it fits nice and easily into my article, as I will hopefully have quite a few entrants and want to directly copy and paste your scenes.

“So what’s in this for me?” I hear you cry!

Each entrant, will receive a spot in my next week’s article as well as a bit of a rant from me on how you have done. Such a great prize. Kind of think of it as free advertising.

After sharing your wonderful creations with my WPAvenger team a winner will be chosen. At the end of the article a winner shall be announced.

“And what do I win?” I hear you cry

A WPAvenger will contact you and then they will critique a few chapters of the winner’s story.

So get to work guys because I’ll be awaiting your death dealing scenes. The scene can involve one person or it could be a million, who knows. One victim is much more intimate though, as you can get all of the little feelings out in it. So please enjoy and have fun writing it.

Send entries to my private messages @MattStuart. They must be in my personal messages by Saturday 29th March. Winners will be announced in the Sunday 6th April Addition of the Magazine

And with that, it is now time to say cheerio and always, have a nice day.

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