Chapter 14

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Kiyomi's POV

"Kiyomi, where are you going?"

I roll my eyes at Kakashi and continue to exit the Hokage building. Who does that loser think he is? I'm not his child. He's not even thinking about all I've endured just for him to throw me back into this lifestyle. I break from my thoughts after feeling Kakashi pull at my wrist.

"I'm going shopping. Give me some money." I stand in front of Kakashi with my hand out.

Kakashi shakes his head no and encourages me to wear a regular shinobi outfit. He wants me to wear green is he crazy? I need to set a formal impression if I'm going to be responsible for a bunch of kids. I continue to hold my hand out and wait for him to oblige. He sighs to himself and hands over his beige wallet. I begin to walk past him in the opposite direction satisfied with the good amount of cash in his wallet.

"The Genins we've been assigned to are waiting for us Kiyomi."

I tell him I won't be that long as I begin to flash through the village looking for the nearest clothing store.

Sakura's POV

"Where's Naruto?" Sasuke asks.

Why is he asking about Naruto right now? We should be doing less talking about naruto and more lip action. We were so close to kissing earlier.

"Oh, see, there you go changing the subject again. Anyway, Naruto just picks fights with you. Do you know why he's so annoying? because he wasn't raised right. He doesn't have a mother or father, no one to teach him right from wrong. Think about it. He just does whatever comes to his head. If I did things like Naruto, forget it. I mean my parents would get mad, and I get in trouble. So of course I don't do it. But if you don't have parents to tell you how would you know? He's selfish and bratty. He's all alone."

"Alone. Isolated."

"Huh?" I mumble.

"It's not about your parents scolding you. You have no idea what it means to be alone."

"Why are you saying that?" I ask confused about what Sasuke was saying.

I stand puzzled on why he's taking Naruto's side anyway. He's annoying and just picks fights with him as I said earlier.

"'re annoying," Sasuke responds before turning his back towards me and walking away.

I gasped to myself as I watched him walk away from me. Annoying. What? What just happened? He called me annoying! What did I do?

He's never going to like me now. I take my mind off Sasuke when I feel a finger tap my shoulder. I quickly fix my face not wanting the person to see me down.

I turn around to see a woman with long yellow hair and dark blue eyes. She had a nice smile. That was the last thing I remembered before I felt the left side of my cheek sting in pain suddenly. The impact caused me to fall to the ground on my back.

She slapped me. I just got slapped!

"Hey! What's your problem!" I react defensively.

"What's my problem? I have a problem with you running that little mouth of yours. The nerve of you little brat do you have any idea who you're talking to!" She snaps back at me raising her hand again.

Wait a minute. Long yellow hair. Dark blue eyes. Beautiful face. Oh my god, she's the late fourth Hokage's daughter.

"You're Princess Kiyomi Na-

"Lady Kiyomi to you, Do you understand me?" She says picking me up from the ground by the collar of my shirt.

She was the reason we celebrated the other day in the village. The fourth Hokage's daughter returns after 12 years of missing. I feel the right side of my face begin to sting. She slapped me again!

Naruto's long lost sister (under major editing!)Where stories live. Discover now