Chapter 6

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(Kiyomi's POV)

"Hey brat, you better be in there getting dressed and not planning another escape plan?"

"Yeah, you don't want us to kill your little friends in the leaf village, do you?"

I ignore the sand village men's remarks and continue to fix my attire. I look in the mirror at the brown ninja uniform with a frown. I bend forward and collect my long yellow strands of hair with my hands and place them in a high ponytail. I allow my wispy bangs to frame my face, not wanting to look confident when meeting my comrade's gaze today.

"That's it we-

"I'm ready," I say, opening the door before the sand anbu could.

The Kazkeage's bodyguards blush in approval of my final look. The Kazekage gives them a disapproving look reminding them how old I am. I roll my eyes at their pervy gazes and walk alongside the Kazekage.

"Today is an important day for you Kiyomi, If you, carry out your end of the deal. I will value mine."

I nod my head, wanting this meeting to be over as soon as possible.The Kazekage hands me a mask instructing me to wear it for my protection to conceal my identity.


As we continue to walk, which had taken three days to reach the place I call home. We finally arrived at the gates of Konoha. I hold my head down, which is pointless knowing they wouldn't recognize me anyway with this mask on my face.

"Enemy villagers detected by the gates!"

"It looks like the Kazekage!"

Five leaf anbu drop-down in front of the gates in defense asking us to state our purpose. The Kazekage brings me forward with him before he speaks.

"We come in peace. As you know, I am the Fourth Kazekage here with... the Late fourth Hokage's child."

I turn my head towards the Kazkage in confusion.

"You Sand village idiots think we're going to keep falling for this act. It's been six years since Kiyomi's chakra was last traced here. If she's alive she probably got news about her father and decided to not come back."

"What news about my father? What are you rambling about?" I say ripping my mask off revealing my identity.

The leaf anbu's body language shows how puzzled they're seeing me for the first time in years. Two of the masked men look at each other and one places a finger on the grass in front of them.They're detecting if my chakra is in front of them, and seeing they're correct, they remove their masks from their faces. They give me sad looks and ask me where have I been all this time?

"Look enough with all the reminiscing! Kiyomi has an important message she wants to tell you" One of sand anbu grow impatient grabbing my wrist and pushing me to speak.

"Princess Kiyomi, are you okay?"

I begin to tear up, realizing if I don't carry out what I was instructed, to do, not only will their lives be in danger, but the civilians in Konoha too will be sacrificed.

"I'm fine, better yet, I'm great! Tell my parents to stop looking for me I've now found a new home. Suna village is not as bad as they taught us. The people here are a lot stronger, and so now I will become an even greater kunoichi."

The anbu men look at me in utter confusion.

"Princess Kiyomi"

Hearing them call out to me with pleading eyes causes a lump to form in my throat. I have to leave some kind of hint without them thinking I'm a traitor.


"Six years! It will take six years and I will be stronger and I will d-

The Kazekage gets annoyed seeing right through what I was plotting and smacks me from the back of my head. I fall to my knees and the leaf village men go into defense mode.

The Kazekage's gold dust begins to form underneath me stopping the leaf village ninja in their tracks from defending me.

"You two make any sudden movements and I'll kill her right now. You see I didn't take this brat from her village she wandered right into mine killing two of my own civilians."

I look down feeling regret and surprised that the Kazekage knew about the two bodies I buried away mentally.

"To be fair your dear beloved Kiyomi is nothing but an S-rank criminal."

"How dare you speak so ill of a child! If I had to be the judge it was probably self-defense y-

"Self-defense, don't make me laugh, you leaf village men are a lot denser in the head than I thought. What she did to those men was a number, not a quick punch or slap to the face. Since Kiyomi wanted to speak to you in code, we might as well be honest, right Kiyomi?"

The Kazekage pulls my ponytail, making me look up at him and back at my comrades. I nod, wanting him to loosen his grip on my hair.

"She's going to do whatever I say for the next six years, or she can rot away in my prison for life. I am being lenient here, am I not boys?"

The sand village anbu chuckle and agree with the Kazekage. The Kazekage lets go of my hair and motions for one of his men to hand him something. I whip my head back around, not wanting to know what he's planning.

"I believe this meeting has run its course. Here you go Kiyomi."

I look up and see my headband. My precious leaf village headband. I don't even know how he found my headband I left it at my apartment in suna. My eyes begin to water as the Kazkeage's eyes pierce into mine. His patience grows thin and he throws the headband at my forehead.

"Step on it now!"

His gold dust loosens from around my body and I begin to rise. I could run. I could run straight into my comrade's arms and be safe again. Yet, if any moment of conflict takes place right here, another great ninja war will rise.

"I-I am no longer a part of this village! I hate you and everyone in this village! My parents are nothing but weak and careless for not looking for me after my disappearance. I will grow stronger in Suna because in Suna everything is not just peace and rainbows it's reality. True kunoichis embrace reality, and you're looking at one."

I throw my headband to the ground and step on it, shattering the metal with the heel of my boot.

"Kiyomi, what are you saying! How dare you speak so ill of your parents t-

"If you send anyone to come to rescue me like you all should've done six years ago. I won't hesitate to kill them myself. Let's go."

I turned my back to my village for the first time at that moment. My chest felt so heavy at that moment because I meant only half of everything that I said to them.

Naruto's long lost sister (under major editing!)Where stories live. Discover now