Chapter 13

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{Kiyomi's POV}

I open my eyes to be in a pitch-black room. Where am I? I try my best to walk around and find an exit and see a bright golden brown door. My childhood front door. I walk closer to the door and hear a whisper behind the door.

"Mom? Dad?" I ask curiously.

No response. I hesitate to open the door but soon gather the courage. I place my hand on the knob to open it and noticed how cold the knob was.

I finally open the door and see a red-haired woman crouched down on her knees sobbing.


The woman, looks up, and she wasn't my mother. It was Ami.

"Kiyomi, did you forget about me?"

I back away in fear of her next move.

"No, Ami I w-

"Kiyomi, please be my friend. I want you to be my friend."

"Ami, No. I have to go, I can't be here with you. I m-"

I walk back in fear of seeing Ami begin to duplicate. It was now just me and at least a hundred Amis in this black room.

"Be my friend Kiyomi! You can't leave me Kiyomi!"

"Yeah Kiyomi be my friend!" Her shadow clones begin to speak in union.

"Don't touch me!"

Ami and her clones begin to tower over me and I feel my heart pound in my chest. I feel my diamond seal begin to activate knowing what was about to happen.



I feel my forehead begin to pulse, and my body reacts defensively.

"Don't touch me!" I scream pushing away what I thought was Ami's hand.

I groggily managed to punch Kakashi's lamp off his nightstand sending it flying across his small bedroom. I rise in Kakashi's bed trying to catch my breath from another nightmare. These nightmares still haunt me even now that I'm home.

I scream in fear seeing Kakashi get up from his bedroom floor. I immediately cover myself with his blankets.

"You pervert! Did you lay on the floor the whole night?" I ask confused by Kakashi's actions.

Kakashi rolls his eyes at me and begins to clean up his now broken lamp on the floor. A wave of guilt begins to wash over me. I sit in his bed dumbfounded not knowing what to say. Kakashi sighs to himself once he cleans up all the glass.


"No." Kakashi sternly cuts me off.

"What you don't even know what I was gonna say!"

"You're not sorry. Plus it's not a big deal. I wanted a new lamp anyway. By the way, I came to wake you up, so we could go get breakfast. Get dressed."

"But I-

"Oh and by the way. I didn't forget when you begged me to sleep in the same bed as you because it felt lonely last night. Get a grip, I'm not your killer boyfriend." Kakashi chuckles and closes the door before I could react.

Itachi. I hope you changed from the last moment we shared. I don't wanna believe or label you a killer but your actions can't change my mind.

"Let's go, princess!"

Naruto's long lost sister (under major editing!)Where stories live. Discover now