Tobi, Revealed

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Not only am I fuzzy on the details of the war, but I really have no idea how to write this. Just assume people are still fighting in the background, I guess, but the enemy is down to "Tobi" and Madara...

Chapter 15

"I'm going to revive Orochimaru."

I stared at Sasuke in surprise. "Why?"

"Not for the reasons you think," he said quickly. "He can perform the Edo Tensei. I want him to revive the previous Hokage so that I can find my own answers to my questions."

I understood what he was getting at. He wanted to know more about the discrimination toward the Uchiha clan. "Is there any guarantee that Orochimaru won't force the Hokage to work against us?"

"No," said Sasuke, "but it's unlikely, don't you think?"

I sighed. "Yes, I agree. But, Sasuke – "

"I'll be fine," he interrupted. "You should go help the others. Naruto's an idiot."

I just stared at him for a moment longer, the pain of losing Itachi still weighing on me. But I relented. "Fine. Just be safe."

"Yeah." He turned away, before pausing. "Don't die."

"I won't," I promised, and he disappeared into the forest. I took flight, heading for the battlefield. Most of the battle units had come together to meet in one location, judging by the mass of chakra signatures.

I spotted Tobi fighting Kakashi, Gai, Naruto, and Sakura, who had evidently come out from her medical outpost. As I watched a knife went right through Tobi harmlessly, reappearing on the other side. There had to be a trick, I thought, before thinking that the trick seemed very familiar.

Naruto and Kakashi attacked together. Naruto's attack went right through him, while he dodged Kakashi's Chidori. I frowned. There was something weird about that.

He wasn't invincible, for sure. He was...

He was transporting things to a different dimension. That made a lot of sense, considering all the things he'd done. He could transport parts of his body to different places, or he could transport weapons, too. He could probably suck anybody and everybody into his alternate universe.

Kamui. I had only thought of this idea because Kakashi himself possessed the ability.

"... holds a personal grudge against you..."

I dropped from the sky, landing beside Sakura as Kakashi and Gai launched a joint attack, but to no avail. I held out a hand, and Naruto paused, about to run at Tobi yet again. Well, I called him Tobi for now, but...

"Wait," I said, causing all of their eyes to turn to me. I nodded to the masked man. "Hello again. This is an unexpected outcome, yes?"

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto curiously. I didn't answer him, focused on the masked man before me.

"Is it?" he mused, twirling a kunai between his fingers. Without warning, he chucked it at me. I knocked it away with my bare hand and ignored Kakashi's glare (for being stupid, I assumed). "Kira Izanami. You're still alive, after all."

"Yes," I said. "I'm still alive, despite the many times you've tried to kill me now. What a shame that we ended up on opposite sides. Why did this happen? Was it because you fell into enemy hands, like me? Are you someone's loyal servant, like Kabuto? Or..." My eyes narrowed at his lack of reaction thus far. "... are you out for revenge, because the love of your life was killed?"

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