A Glitch

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Chapter 6

'And here we are, starting the day with a fast-paced conversation between six people who are all equally concerned about the fate of the shinobi world. Unfortunately for one of us, she is very hungry and will now proceed to meander to the kitchen, where she will hopefully find – agh! There aren't any eggs left!'

'Kira, as much as we appreciate you, please stop narrating like you're presenting a documentary,' Gaara deadpanned. I apologized quickly before slipping on my sandals and grabbing everything I needed. As I headed out the door to find food, the Kages continued talking.

'We'll need to make preparations, obviously. Let's split up the work. Konoha, we'll send medic trainees your way. The Cloud will be responsible for the training of your jinchuriki, Naruto Uzumaki.'

'Training? What sort of training, if I may ask?'

'My brother, Killer Bee, went through this training himself. It allowed him to completely take control of the Gyuki's chakra and use it to his advantage.'

'We'll send Naruto over,' I said, 'on the guarantee that Killer Bee will oversee his training personally.'

'I'll make sure of it, Miss Izanami,' the Raikage responded.

'In that case, Sunagakure will mass produce standard shinobi weapons,' Gaara said. 'We'll also need extra food supplies and pills – chakra pills, food pills, etc.'

'Iwagakure will take care of that.'

'In that case, Kirigakure will assist with food and weapon rations, as well as produce the official shinobi headbands for this battle.'

'Thank you, Lady Mizukage,' said Tsunade. 'Where will our headquarters be located?'

There was a brief silence.

'Kira? What do you think?'

I thought about it carefully. Kiri was too far away, first of all, and I didn't like it there. Konoha was right smack-dab in the middle, which actually wasn't a good idea. It was too accessible. Suna was alright. Iwa was alright as well, but both of those places were more accessible than Kumo, which had a lot of mountains and cliffs and such. Besides, headquarters were historically located on high grounds – for a reason.

'I think that Kumogakure would be the ideal choice,' I said. 'Would that be alright with all of you?'

'I don't quite understand your reasoning, but I will agree,' said Onoki.

'I will as well,' said the Raikage. 'We can easily use the Raikage's office as a headquarters large enough to fit everybody necessary.'

I was momentarily distracted by a bakery, which I entered. I grabbed two pork buns, paid, and walked out, munching on them.

' – with Naruto?' Gaara was saying.

'Lady Hokage, would you mind having a team escort him to Kumogakure? We'll take over from there.'

'Certainly. Kira, take Sasuke with you. I need Sakura to stay here to help me train the medical nin.'

'Yes, Lady Tsunade. What about leadership positions and roles? At the very least, we'll need to decide who stays at HQ, as well as name the General and Lieutenant General of the Allied Forces.'

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