Obito's Sacrifices

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One more update for tonight. Again, ignore all the plotholes XD

Chapter 19

Sasuke's Susanoo had protected us from the Infinite Tsukuyomi. We watched as everyone else was gathered into cocoons, wrapped away in an eternal sleep... well, as "eternal" as we allowed it to be.

The next moment, Madara was gone, and in his place was a woman with long, white hair, and an ethereal feel around her. We had failed in both things: in stopping Madara from casting the Genjutsu, and in stopping Kaguya from being revived.

I looked around. Kakashi no longer had his Sharingan, which was obviously a disadvantage. Sasuke still had Susanoo, of course. Naruto, thanks to our last-minute actions, still had his Kyubi chakra cloak around him. Sakura seemed alright, although she would soon start to run low on chakra.

I remembered what Itachi had said: Kaguya is the origin of all chakra. She'll want to steal yours.

Basically, this was a fight to the death against a goddess. After this, we would figure out how to deal with the people trapped inside the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

I looked around wildly. Now that Kaguya had been revived, she and Zetsu moved further away from us, drifting, conversing lightly. More importantly, they had left Obito alone. As Kaguya began to move, taking in her surroundings, I said urgently, "You guys, be careful. She's going to come after your chakra with the chakra of everyone trapped in the Tsukuyomi."

"She can do that?" said Naruto, looking surprised.

"She's the origin of all chakra," I said, "Kaguya Otsutsuki."

We couldn't hear what Zetsu was saying to Kaguya, or what she was responding, but it probably wasn't good. I continued,

"I'm going to wake Obito up. We'll probably need him. You guys take care of Kaguya, okay?"

There were a million things running through our minds at this point – Who is she? What can she do? Do we know anything about her? Can we win? But nobody asked them, because in the end, it wouldn't make a difference. Instead, they nodded to me and ran off as I stopped by Obito's body.

Well, I stopped by Obito, because he wasn't dead. He was probably just unconscious.

I reached him and put a hand on his chest, checking for a heartbeat. It was stable. Okay, so far, so good.

"Obito," I said, shaking him a little. When he didn't respond, I checked his chakra networks, which were a bit depleted but otherwise doing fine. Physically, he had minimal injuries. Was it a simple concussion, perhaps?

I glanced over at the presumed battle scene, only to see Kaguya sucking them all in, not unlike what Obito and Kakashi did with Kamui, and then they were gone from sight. My jaw dropped. That was bad.

"Obito!" I said, more urgently. I was no medical ninja; why hadn't I asked Sakura to come with me?

'Let me try,' said Amaterasu, and I allowed her to rise to the surface. She placed a hand on Obito's forehead, concentrating, pouring a bit of her chakra into him. 'This might be enough to jolt him awake.'

'Whatever you're doing, you have to hurry,' I said. 'We don't know where she's taken them.'

'Yeah, and this guy's your only hope, I know,' said Amaterasu, her/my hand still alight with chakra. 'Okay, I'm going to do a quick burst, to see if it'll wake him up.'

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