C H A P T E R 6: The Map no man can read

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"Release them!" Barbossa ordered.

Madeline was close to dozing off against the pole when the pirate shouted out the command. Quickly Murtogg did as such. As soon as she was free Madeline began rubbing her forearms, which had become sore due to the tightness of the bonds.

Mullroy who had been steering the ship while Barbossa was of doing other things gave Carina an estranged look. Carina after being released had gone to stand beside the pirate, who took the sign of her liberty as a permit to steer her course.

"Sir, you wouldn't allow a woman to steer you ship?" Mullroy asked

"She will follow her star...or we'll all die together." Barbossa responded. Mullroy didn't say anything else and stood aside to allow Carina to take over.

After witnessing that, Madeline made her way to the railing where Henry was situated. He had made a beeline for it as soon as he was released, taking out his telescope to look out to the dark sea.

"What is it you're looking for, mister Turner."

Henry looked away from his telescope to look at the blonde. "Mister Turner, that's new," he smiled. "And to answer your question I don't really know.....I just like to keep a weather eye on the horizon."

"Weather eye on the horizon..." Madeline sounded out slowly. "That's an interesting phrase, where did you hear it?"

"From my mother, who heard it from my father." He explained. "It was the last thing he told her before he started serving the Dutchman."

Madeline turned to face the railing. "I would love to meet them one day" she confessed

"Who?" Henry wondered.

Madeline turned towards him again. "Your parent's" she looked down becoming uncomfortable with the look Henry gave her. "They..they sound like interesting people. I mean a Pirate King and a legendary Captain. It would surely make great tale."

Henry smiled at what Madeline said. It seemed so long ago that he was worried of her learning of his past and of his parentage and here she was, wishing to meet them. "And I have no doubt they would love meeting you miss Madeline."

The two then remained in comfortable silence. Henry looking through his telescope and Madeline looking down to the waves, humming a sweet tune she remembered from when she was a toddler.

It was Carina who interrupted the silence. "This ship...those ghosts" she began, catching the attention of Henry and Madeline. "There can be no logical explanation."

Madeline had turned to look at the girl, while Henry continued looking through his telescope. "The myths of the sea are real Carina" he told her. "I'm glad you can finally see you were wrong."

Madeline giggled at the face Carina made. "Wrong? Perhaps I had some doubts." She objected.

"Oh Carina, you had more than just some doubts." Madeline laughed.

Henry had turned to look at Carina. "This is the worst apology I've ever heard."

Carina scoffed. "Apology? Why would I apologize."

"Because, we've been chased by the dead, we're sailing on a ship raised from a bottle." He pointed out. "Where is your science in that?"

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