P R O L O G U E: The meeting of a young man and a young girl

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To say Madeline detested the smell was an understatement, she absolutely loathed it. It's strong and gross smell was not something she ever got used to, even though the smell had been present in everyday of her life for 3 years already. Being condemned to live in a pub, which in times was also a brothel and man pleasing service quarters, was not how Madeline had envisioned her life to be.

She understood why her father did what he did, but he probably could've found a better place to sell her too, after all, you would assume a father would want the best for his daughter, she didn't believe it was a fathers greatest dream to see his only daughter working in a pub/brothel, no matter how badly the money was needed.

Madeline sighed at the thought. She was only 14 when it happened. Her family lost their family business which had been around since way before she was born. A small miscellaneous shop of trinkets and such which had been a main supplier to all of saints Martins habitants for years, until a family with much more money moved to the island and opened up a bigger more supplied store.

Her family began to lose all its costumers, to the point where they would only make two sales a week if they were lucky. Her father began to gamble to earn at least a little more money, but he soon fell into debts with bad people, so they started to see what they could do to scrape up the money.

It all started with selling the shop, they sold it off to the wealthy family who would use it as a sort of storage unit for their extra supplies. They got paid quite a bit, but they lost the majority of it paying back debts.

Soon they sent of her oldest brother Mitchell of to the navy, but soon after the small navy ship he was on was attacked by pirates, he was killed during the attack. Her second oldest brother died of Scarlett fever a year after, around the time of her 15 birthday. Her mother had started to work as a maid for the mayor but that still wasn't enough.

So when Madeline turned 16 her father suddenly grabbed her, gave her a bag of her stuff, some dresses, personals and a family photo and whisked her off to the pub. He arrived with a daughter and left with a sack of coins. The next morning she found out that he and her mother had left town, having gotten passage to another island with the help of a pirate.

She never got a goodbye.

Now three years later, and she's still there, serving from pirates to navy soldiers and everything in between, running errands and being a personal helper to the girls who work there in a more intimate way. As long as she's been there she's been the only waitress, at the beginning it was a burden, but after learning she was able to do it on her own.

It was the middle of the week, early in the hours of the morning. Service had not yet opened or begun, so Madeline was busying away cleaning the main level of the building from the damage it suffered the night before. She was cleaning a table when the owner of the place, Mr.Pomfrey approached her.

The bar was co- owned by Mr.Pomfrey and his wife, a French maiden called Lucille. As soon as she arrived they had taken her under their wing, seeing as she was quite young. Madeline filled the empty spot the Pomfrey's had in their life after they lost their son.

Mr.Pomfrey dropped a sack of coins in front of her. Madeline looked up confused. "Mr. Pomfrey, I'm quite sure it's not pay day yet, or did I lose track of the days again and it is?"

Mr.Pomfrey let out a small chuckle. "No dear girl, I need you to go buy some things. The towns having a market in the square today."

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