C H A P T E R 2: A pirate's life for me

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Execution day

That one day that occurs every 2 months, a day that demands the close of all businesses in a way of respect for those that will be killed. Madeline thought of it as a sick way of commemorating those people, just closing down shops and pubs in their honor. But then again she didn't really want to complain, for had that demand not been set in place she wouldn't be able to leave the pub and go witness the executions. She wouldn't be able to leave to meet Henry.

When she asked Lucille and Mr.Pomfrey to go they gave her strange looks. Madeline had never once attended the executions, she was quite the sensible and emotional girl, someone that held no malice. So for her to ask to go was something quite out of the ordinary for the young blonde, but the Pomfrey's didn't object and let her do as she pleased.

After asking for permission Madeline decided to go and change into a slightly more comfortable dress, picking out one of emerald green color. She wore her ankle boots as well instead of the slightly heeled leather shoes she usually wore. She had a deep feeling she would be running today, she didn't know why, she just knew. So better to be wearing some shoes that would help with that.

After deeming herself appropriately dressed she locked up her room and went downstairs. She said her farewells to the Pomfrey's, who wouldn't be attending the executions, and was on her way.


The square was packed. Madeline was surprised this many people would willingly show up to see someone else get killed. She couldn't understand how people could go through that. She then remembered that today Jack Sparrow was supposed to be executed, she couldn't help but think that was one of the reasons so many of the towns people showed up. To see the great Pirate Jack Sparrow be executed, truly a historical moment some may think.

Madeline made her way towards the back of the crowd from where the guillotine stood, she found herself closer to where the hanging platform was. She had a clear enough view of the two to be able to see who would be executed.

Her stomach gave a weird sensation at that, as if she might be sick, which she really wasn't, but didn't doubt that later she would, if all things went according to plan.

She started to look around the crowd then, recognizing some people, from the pub, some from when she did her errands, and some from her old life. She started to look for a certain face, for someone with warm brown eyes and messy golden brown hair, but from her point she couldn't see anyone with such characteristics.

Just then the creak of a cart caught her attention. She turned to her left and saw that a caged cart with some dirty women had pulled up beside the hanging platform. What caught her attention was that in between all the dirty, angry, seething women, sat a girl who looked as if she had no business being in there. She wore a blue dress that reminded her of the sea water of the island shore. Her pale, clean complexion was framed by a messy mane of black curls. Her blue eyes remained focused on a point. No fear crossed her face, as if she wasn't about to be hanged.

Madeline followed the pale girls figure as she was escorted towards the platform. She said nothing as the noose was placed around her porcelain doll like neck. She heard some commotion come from behind her and turned to see how they were placing someone of the guillotine. She managed to recognize the man as Jack Sparrow.

Henry better hurry up if he wants to save him.

Her attention was drawn back to the girl after she quite blandly told the entirety of the crowd to be quite. She had nerve, Madeline thought. Pity she would be executed.

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