C H A P T E R 5: A Pearl as Black as Night

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Jack had still not woken up.

It had been around an hour since Madeline regained consciousness and Jack had still to move muscle. The only reason they had not yet bothered waking up the pirate was because apparently the bride to be was not yet ready. In that time Henry had tried to see how they could escape, Carina had counted the bones of the skeleton around 159 times and Madeline had just stared at the sand.

A few other minutes had gone by when suddenly the burly man that stood with Jack began to poke him. "Wake up Sparrow" he began. "It's time to pay your debt"

Jack then seemed to regain his senses. He began to look around, his gaze coming upon the three very dissatisfied young adults he had journeyed with. He then looked up to the skeleton before coming across the burly man.

"Pig?" Jack sputtered. "Pig Kelly. Me old mate."

The man who seemed to be called pig smirked. "Mate?" He turned to look at the small crowd of people. "You hear that boys." He then turned back to Jack. "This pirate owes me a blunder of silver and luck has brought him to Hangman's Bay where he can settle his debt... here and now"

Madeline rolled her eyes. "Of course he has a debt to pay" she muttered under her breath to Henry.

"And of course we have been dragged into this" he responded.

"Oh and I will, I will Pig" Jack agreed. "Name your price"

"Her name is Beatrice  and she is my poor widowed sister"

Madeline turned to take a glance at the bride, and what she saw was most certainly not a bride. The woman didn't really look like a woman, she resembled more a man clothed in a dress than an actual woman. Her white wedding dress was at all not white in the slightest. Her hair which Madeline supposed used to be  bright ginger was now greasy and dry and it  seemed to have been used as a birds nest. And her face, not much could be said about it.

Jack seemed to agree with Madeline's thoughts. "What.. what is that?"

"She's been looking for a respectable husband" Pig explained. "But you'll have to do"

"Royce" the woman called Beatrice shouted. "Let's get on with this"

"No!" Jack shrieked. "Why? Why?"

"To make an honest woman of her Jack" Pig pointed out. "Congratulations Jack...it's your wedding day."

The priest opened up his bible. "Let us begin"

"We will honeymoon in the barn" Beatrice announced as she made her way towards Jack.

"No! No,no. Pig, how can I honestly make an honest woman out of that?" Jack squeaked before realizing his mistake. "Her! I mean her." Just as Beatrice got to the front two children appeared and stepped in front of her. "Ooh, ooh what are those things?"

"Our children. Best not look them in the eye" Beatrice deadpanned as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Pig signaled to some men. "Bring the best man and the bridesmaids"

Those men then proceeded to grab Carina, Madeline and Henry and take them to stand behind Jack.

"I looked it in the eye" Jack announced turning away from the children.

ELEUTHEROMANIA ||Henry Turner||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora