Chapter 8 - Ula'ula-bound

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Our saviour, Kiria, led the way to a hotel at the end of the path. She didn't say another word all the way there, opening the door to what was supposedly her room and leaving it open for us to follow. The three of us did just that, and I shut the door behind us.

"Good girl." Kiria said to her Ninetales, scratching the Pokemon's head. She straightened up and turned to face us. "You all right?" She asked.

"Thanks to you." Nelly nodded.

"Yeah – thanks a lot." I smiled.

"Well, now I've found you two, I can let Megan know." Kiria pulled out her phone and began tapping. "Although, I wasn't expecting a third person." She glanced at Alicia.

"M-my apologies." The hooded girl looked down.

"It's all the same to me." Kiria shook her head. Then she brought her phone to her ear.

"She doesn't waste time." I looked to Nelly.

"Seems like it." She blinked. "Hey there." She bent down to say hello to the Ninetales.

"Aoo." The Pokemon looked up at her and smiled.

"Wow, you're beautiful..." Nelly reached out and touched her fur. The Pokemon delighted at the attention.

"Megan?" Kiria looked up from the floor. "I've got them. Yeah. Mm-hm. Just in time. Yep... Got it."

She brought the phone down and looked over to us. "I'm putting her on speaker." She said, pressing a button.

"Toby? Nelly?" My sister's voice came through.

"Megan? We're ok." I told her.

"That's good. Now that you're safe, we can bring you back in and we'll go over what we're going to do about Team Rocket."

"Right away?" Nelly asked.

"The sooner the better." Megan replied. "I've been tracking them, and they've got a ton of helicopters, full of grunts like the ones you've come up against. And they're not limiting themselves to Japan anymore. One of them entered Italian airspace not moments ago, and others crossed over into Australia and the USA overnight."

"They're going to steal even more Pokemon..." I frowned.

"Exactly. The sooner you get back here, the sooner we can formulate a plan. And the sooner we can formulate a plan, the sooner we can put an end to whatever it is they're plotting."

"Ah..." Alicia looked as if she wanted to say something, but turned away.

"You ok?" Nelly asked her.

"Who's that?" Megan heard the unfamiliar voice.

"We have someone else travelling with us." I explained. "She needed help getting around."

"And the poor thing ran into you two of all people? What rotten luck." She laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I demanded.

"Let's face it, you two don't exactly attract the best crowds, do you? Case in point, me sending Kiria to help you out."

"I do what I can." Kiria looked around absently.

"...Fair point." I sighed.

"Anyway," Megan went on. "I can have a boat sent to pick you up in no time. Either that or I send a helicopter of our own – don't worry, it's normal-sized, not like those grotesque hunks of junk Team Rocket are parading around. Either way, you need to get back here ASAP. You'd better bring that girl too."

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