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This is the pre-ending that leads to a sequel, but not everyone wants to read a sequel so the Alternate ending closes the book for those that hate me and don't like my writing so they want this book to end as soon as possible.


Date: January 4, 2016
Time: 11:58 AM

It's been a few days since you killed your mom, and since you and Jason kissed and since Alex died. It's been a little freeing not having as much weight on your shoulders and not searching for your father's killer because justice has been served.

"Alright we're here. Naturally I cant go in with you because I'm a most wanted criminal and this place is crawling with Feds. But i brought Klare to go with you if you need something." Jason explained to you even though you had no idea where you were.

"I thought we were past the whole blindfolding thing. Where am I?" You questioned your hand resting on your thigh.

"Your dad's funeral."

You gasped and ripped the blindfold off to see if he was lying. But through the windshield you could see the casket decorated with the United States flag.

You unlocked the door and scrambled to unbuckle your seat belt before sprinting - as best as you could with the new ankle boots Tyler made you wear since your legs were healing faster than he initially thought. As you neared with Klarissa on your heels you shoved past the people there creating commotion.

"Is that..." Someone gasped and everyone began talking.

You didn't care about what anyone had to say. You stopped running once you had reached your dad's casket and hesitantly reached out to touch his paled face.

"Daddy," you frowned fighting back tears as you stared at the man you loved more than life itself, the man you raised you from the ground up and was there when no one else was. "I love you so much."

A single tear fell from your face and onto his before you quickly wiped it and backed away from the casket and plopped into the nearest seat.

"Y/N right?" Someone sitting next to you asked and you nodded silently not bothering to look at who was speaking. "My name's Agent Angel Arnold. I was head of the team searching for you after your disappearance. I know now isn't the time but, do you mind telling me where you were?"

You gritted your teeth before replying. "I was...slumming it out with some friends in St. Augustine." You lied, before turning your head over to Klarissa who gave you a sad smile.

"So your legs? That was in St. Augustine?" Agent Arnold questioned skeptically, you nodded in reply and she stared at you suspiciously but decided not to press the subject because of the sensitive setting.

The soldiers carefully folded up the flag that adorned your father's Casket then they gave it to you and you sat it in your lap. Eventually as the funeral came to an end they lowered your dad's body into the ground and you watched. Feeling a since of peace and closure knowing you said your final good byes and made peace with your situation.

You no longer carried hatred for anyone. That hate died alongside your mother.

"Let's go Y/N." Klarissa said holding her hand out for you to take and you did allowing her to lead the way back to the car.

When you arrived you say in the front again and signalled for Jason to re-blindfold you, but he remained still.

"Y/N look. I kidnapped you because John told me to. John is probably dead - knowing Klarissa's efficiency- and i don't have any reason to keep you." He sighed removing his beanie to ruffle his hair.

"When you first took me I would've gladly went back home. But now? I realise that I have nothing to go back to I had a boring routine and i lived a boring life. As weird as this sounds, you gave me some self-worth, you gave me meaning and depth. I don't think i wanna go back" You smiled softly, squeezing your eyes shut as you gauged his reaction.

When he didn't react you opened one eye only to see that he was just sitting there, staring at you with an unreadable expression.


"I'm just gonna... wait outside." Klarissa clumsily excused herself as she tripped out of the van to allow the two of you to talk.

"Yes. I think so. I don't have much to go back to anyway."

He nodded, subconsciously drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. "So your okay with living with a bunch of criminals?"

"Sure. I'm not saying I'm going to go full on gang member but I enjoyed that heist we pulled a few weeks ago. I wouldn't mind." You smirked grabbing his hand to stop his anxious drumming.

"Okay." He finally sighed after running his hands over his face a few times. "I just have one rule."

You looked at him to continue.

"No pink. Like no pink anything. If I see you with pink bubblegum, I'll shoot you." You laughed at the seriousness in his voice, rolling down your window to tell Klarissa to get back in the truck.


You got out the van, hurrying to the front porch of your house and picking up a plant, grabbing the spare key you kept.

"God, it's been a while." You let out an exhale as you pushed the door open and saw everything exactly like you remembered except papers were strewn around like someone had come to look for something. "That's weird."

You ignored it and made your way upstairs to your bedroom. You gasped at the way it looked your once neat and organized room was now a chaotic mess, clothes were strewn everywhere your drawers were opened and the clothes that were in there scattered on the floor. Your bed was stripped of its sheets and were also on the floor, along with your lamps, your night stands were upside down. Everything was just a mess.

You rolled your eyes, figuring it had just been Jason and stepped over all the clothes on the floor to make it to your closet grabbing an old duffle bag front the floor and filling it with multiple of your belongings, mostly pictures of you and your dad and one of the pictures with your mom in it. You decided against packing many clothes knowing you could purchase some at a later time.

You head down the steps to where Jason stood with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. You let go of the suitcase handle let him just hold you, with a small smile you reach a plant a messy kiss on his lips.


Life as Jason's girlfriend was definitely not as bad as you originally thought you assisted in heists and all types of cons, and the fact that Jason wasn't bad in bed made it that much better.

When other gangs, and the roaches Ex-Gang members come for you they are up for one hell of a fight because Jason protects with his life and it's one of the many things you loved about him.


Okay. this is the official ending and it came out damn near two years later but i forgot to publish it 🤦‍♀️

It's okay though.

I'm thinking about doing a part 2 so comment here if you want one.

Okey dokeyyyy

This is the end. I had fun writing this book but i'm going to take it down next week (August 4, 2018) just briefly to edit it because this was my first COMPLETED book on wattpad so my grammar and punctuation is not the best.

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