TEN - 10

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Warning: Death or Near Death experience not telling which one and language always langage.

( Excuse spelling errors im typing on my phone. )


Time: 7:00 PM (same night)

"Ow. Ow. Ow," You repeated trying not to look at the dead or unconscious bodies around you while Jason worked on your arm and Alex on your leg. Both places you had gotten shot. "Ow! OUCH!"

"Would you shut up already?!" Ashton growled as he heaved one of the dead bodies into a closet that was in the back. Michael Luke and Calum following suit. "It's your fault we're even in this situation."

The rest of the crew excluding Jason made sounds of agreement and you silently winced as Jason began using alcohol to clean the wound on your arm. You had gotten shot in the leg but the bullet just grazed you arm. 

"Can we just kill her?" Luke asked dusting off his hands then turning to the Roach who lay unconscious on the floor in front nof the door blood seeping from a gun shot wound in his leg. "I'll do it if you guys don't have the stomach for it."

Your eyes widened and your heart literally stopped. Luke, the same guy who brought you icecream and apologised for no reason at all, Luke, who was always, always, always kind to you no matter what, is now Luke, the guy who just volunteered to kill you.

For the umpteenth time tears welled up in your eyes but you used the back of your good hand to furiously wipe them away. You felt the urge to laugh bubble up in you but you pushed it down along with your tears and allowed your self to feel nothing. Because frankly you didn't care all you've ever wanted since you met Jason was escape, and if death was the way, so be it.

"Yea, Jace can we? I mean she hasn't done anything but make life harder for all of us." Michael grunted as he assisted Luke in carrying the Roach's limp body and dumping it on the couch.

Jason remained quiet as he put the gauze over your arm, seeming lost in thought.

"McCann," Alex's Russian laced voice pulled him from his thoughts and he looked up from your arm removing his hands as he was done tending to it.

"The bullet is imbeded in her bone. I can't get it out." Alex replied removing her shirt (leaving her in a white tank top) to put pressure on the wound to stop the blood from flowing, making you wince and another string of ow's made its way out your mouth.

"Does no one hear us?" Luke asked as he tightly wrapped a rag around the Roach's leg so he didn't bleed out.

"Luke, and Michael shut the fuck up and get the cars." Jason replied rising from his seat and beginning to get back in his leader mode. "Calum, call Tyler and tell him we're on our way with a bullet in the leg, Alex make sure no one called the cops, and Ashton help me get her to the van."

Alex quickly tied her shirt around your leg then, everyone set off to do what they were told and Ashton reluctantly did as told and lifted you up awkwardly, earning an eye roll from Jason. "No, you give me her and shoot whoever gets in the way."

Ashton muttered a quiet 'oh' then carefully passed you over to Jason who carried you bridal style and glanced at you to see if he was hurting you only to see you were unconscious from pain.


Time: 7:59 PM

"Drive faster, Michael!" Jason yelled as he continued to use Alex's shirt to try to stop the bleeding but it wasn't working,"Michael I swear to god if she bleeds out because you drive slower than my fucking nana im popping a cap in your fucking ass. "

Michael grumbled a 'why do you care' but sped up regardless.

"Ten more minutes, max," Michael replied as he swerved around cars.

"Make it five," Jason grunted as he searched through his black duffel bag for a syringe.

You started to stir and groan still groggy from your unconscious you forgot about what was happening and the pain you should've been experiencing was numb to you.

Jason quickly searched your arm for a vein and when he found one he inserted the needle and pushed the top of the syringe with his thumb sending the morphine into your arm.

Why did Jason care so much? Hell if you asked him he wouldn't be able to answer it, because he didn't know himself. Why did he care so much? He didnt like you, you were just another mission, like Joanna. Or were you. Were you something different?

Right when the van pulled up at Tyler's house he concluded that you were different, you weren't just another mission. You are special.

The van doors flew open and Jason scooped you up and ran to the entrance of the building. Where Alex was already standing holding the door for him as he ran past her and inside the apartment building here he immediately headed for the stairs taking them two at a time till he reached the 3rd floor where he used his foot to knock on the door belonging to his friend, Tyler.

The door opened almost immediately and Jason rushed in placing you on the vacant medical table while Tyler mumbled medical things to himself that Jason didn't care to listen to because he was too focused on his hand in yours and wondering to himself how it got there and why he didnt remove it.

"Shes lost too much blood." Tyler groaned as his glove covered fingers stretched out your wound so he could see what he was doing. "Do you know her blood type?"


"How do you not know her blood type?"

"How would I?!" Jason groaned picking up his phone and dialing a number with his free hand.

"Michael your good with that technology crap right?"

Yea why?

"Can you hack into Y/N's medical records and find her blood type?"

Sure thing boss give me 2 minutes.

Jason ended the call and as soon as he did a loud scream tore from your lips and you started shaking violently.

"Yo, what the hell is happening?" Jason aaked tightening his grip on your hand as you thrashed around.

"Pain. Shes in pain. Jason can you hold her down and distract her so I can pull out the bullet."

Nodding, Jason hopped over your body his knees on either side of you as he stared at your  face your eyes were wide, tears rolling down your face and towards your ears getting lost in your hair.

Jason began to talk about whatever came to his mind and you listened silently as tears rolled down your face. And when Michael came to the building with your blood type and Jason being the only one with the same blood type he didn't hesitate to donate.

Maybe it was a spur of the moment type of thing. Maybe Jason was just having one of those days where he felt like being nice. Maybe Jason was losing too much blood from a wound he didnt know he had.

Or maybe his stone cold killer heart melted with you around.


How was it?

QOTC: Apple Juice or Orange Juice?

My answer: Orange.

Shall next chapter be another FBI chapter or another president chapter we havent had those in a while.


Stolen - J. McCann X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now