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Continuation from where I left off last chapter.

Time: 6:04 A.M.
Date: Whatever the date was it the chapter before last.

"No you don't. You lo-"

"I cannot believe you guys left me!" A nasally voice squealed stomping over to where Klarissa stood, which was directly next to you.

"We wouldn't have left you if you would have stopped trying to get into Styles' pants again." Klarissa sassed with her hands on her hips before flipping her silver curls out the way. "No wait thats a lie we would've left anyway, because we dont like you."

"Your such a stupid bitch Klarissa! I was on the phone with Bellybutton!"

"And im the dumb one." Klarissa tsked softly. "Guys this is Auror-bitch A-Class whore, probably has aids so i would watch out fellas before sticking anything in there." Klarissa gestured towards Aurora's lower region with a grimace.

Aurora scoffed and Ella tried hard to maintain her rough exterior.

"Klarissa our mission is running away..." Ella pointed out grabbing her weapon off the floor.

"I'll try to meet up later while we are still in town!" Klarissa yelled as her, Ella and Aurora chased after their mission.

"What now?" You asked shifting un-comfortably in your wheelchair and staring at the gang who seemed to be in a trance.

"I was going to say where did Alex go because during that whole fight i didnt hear her dramatically grunting or cursing people out in Russian, then i remembered that she's dead so i really dont have anything to say." Calum deadpanned staring off into the distance before turning and leaving heading to the van.

Luke, Michael and Ashton followed suite leaving you and Jason in a comforting silence, until you decided to break it.

"Aren't you going to go with them?" You asked in a bit of a teasing tone as you stared at him.

"Arent you going to shutup?" He said back in the same tone, a slight smirk on his face.

You didn't know what it was it could've been lack of sleep, it could have even been the adrenaline that was still pumping from the fight but you quickly rose from your wheel chair ignoring the pain in your legs and you stood on your toes and pressed your lips to Jason's.

He was shocked at first but eventually his hands found your hips and he was kissing back, as the kiss got more and more heated your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer, softly moaning into the kids.

Even if he was your kidnapper you felt safe and you didn't miss all the hell you were out through back home with fake friends and your even faker boyfriend. You mostly missed your father and it killed you because he wasn't here and you couldn't say or do anything about it . You couldn't go to his funeral, you couldn't say your last goodbye. But right now that didnt matter, what matters is Jason's warm tongue exploring your mouth and the smell of his cologne mixed with swear and the pepper mint taste of his mouth as your tongue brushed against his.


Time: 8:30 AM

"You don't mind sharing a bed with one of us right?" Luke asked running a hand through his hair. "There are only 3 beds and there is 6 of us."

"Michael's already bunking with me." Calum sighed gesturing towards where Michael lay his arms and legs spread wildly over the bed.

"Um.. I guess I could share a bed with Jason." You replied pulling your hair back into a ponytail and grabbing the nightgown Jason set aside for you.

"You owe me 20 bucks!" Ashton yelled from the bathroom walking out seconds later in pajamas.

Luke groaned in response before fetching out a crumbled $20 bill and throwing it at Ashton hitting him smack in the chest.

"I'm too tired for this." you sighed walking into the bathroom and hopping in the shower.

After taking the world's longest shower you dried yourself off and changed in to a pair of new underwear deciding whether or not to put your bra back on.

You were just about to put your bra on when you realised you were to tired to do so. You pulled the night gown over your head and walked out the bathroom with your bra in your hand.

The lights were off and all that could be heard were the snores of the boys. You chuckled lightly at Michael and Calum who were unconsciously spooning.

You shivered silently and tip-toed over to where Jason lay turning away from the blinds as the morning sun was shining. You snuggled into the warmth of his body and pulled the covers over your body allowing sleep to finally take over.




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