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Pay attention to the dates here and in the previous chapter.

Joanna is played by Madison Pettis
Jane is played by Dalila Bela (when she played in Diary of a Wimpy Kid)

Date: January 7 , 2008
Time: 7:31 PM

"Bye dad." You waved goodbye to your father and adjusted the straps on your duffle bag.

He waved and pulled off leaving you to walk up to thw house that Joanna and Jane lived at. You walked up to the front door and raised ypur hand to knock but before you could the door flew open and you were tackled in a hug by Jane.

Jane was Joanna's younger sister, Joanna being 14 like you and Jane being 6.

"Hey Jane!" you smiled and hugged her tightly bwfore walking into the house in search of Joanna.

"Annie is upstairs in her room." Jane said and you nodded walking towards the stairs but sropping to wave at John who was in the kitchen with Anna cooking something.

(Jane calls Joanna, Annie)
"Y/N!!" Joanna squealed her perfect brown hair bouncing on her shoulders as she ran towards you engulfing you in a suffocating hug.

"Hey Jo." you squeaked awkwardly patting her back.

You and Jo were friends for a while because well your dads are bestfriends with each other so it comes naturally. Joanna was chill and nice so you were cool with her you just didnt like being touched (unless its by babies/children because they are adorable) and Joanna knew this she just did it to annoy you.

"Y/N chillax im jist messing with you." She smiled letting go of you amd grabbing your duffle bag and scurrying to her room before you could protest.

You chuckled softly and walked behind her entering her lavender room, to find her on her bed going threw your duffle bag.

"You literally only brought clothes. Where are the dildos?!" Joanna joked shoving your clothes back in your bag and yeeting it (throwing it) across the room and into a random corner.

"I knew I was forgetting something." you joked back sitting in her rolling chair that was across from the bed.

"Wanna play Bean Boozled?" you asked pulling the jumbo box off of the desk and wiggling your eyebrows.

(For those of you that dont know what Bean Boozled is its a game where theres a box or a jar full of Jelly Beans but there is a good flavour and a bad flavour for each colour. Example:

Its really fun to watch other people play but when its you playing

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Its really fun to watch other people play but when its you playing... Watch out for the barf one *shivers in disgust*)


Time: 11:04 PM

"No way!" you giggled grabbing some popcorn from the popcorn bag and shoving it in your mouth.

"Yes Im not lying as soon as Jane asked Dad for it he said yes but when I ask for something its always no."

"I got my permit yesterday." you smiled and grabbed a Twizzler.

(Permit= when you turn like 14 or 15 you have to take a test to get a drivers permit and basicallu it lets you drive if you have a legal adult above the age of 18 or 21 - i cant remember - with you in the passenger seat.)

"You have to take me for a ride! Like right now!" Joanna exclaimed bouncing a bit as she talked.

"I cant without an adult and your parents are asleep." you smiled sadly and grabbed another Twizzler.

"Pssh, since when are you a law abiding citizen?"

"True where are you dads keys?" You getting of the bed and throwing your hair in a ponytail

"The table." she smirked pulling on her shoes and you doing the same.

She walked out her bedroom door and you followed her quietly shutting the lights off and tiptoeing out the room quietly closing the door behind you until


You both stopped dead in your tracks and turned towards the source of the sound. Both of your bodies visibly relaxed and you simultaneously let out breathes of relief, as you turn to see Jane in her Pajamas clutching a stiffed animal to her chest.

"Shhh go to bed Jane." Joanna whispered shooing Jane off silently, but Jane just stood there.

"Take me with you." Jane whispered back horribly.

"I dont think thats a good id-"

"Fine put on your shoes." Joanna interrupted you.

Jane smiled and scurried to her room coming out in a few seconds with her flip flops on.

Jane took Joanna's hand and followed you guys down the stairs and to the living room to get the car keys. After that you silently exited the house and softly closed the door behind you.

The cool night time breeze easily found its way through your thin pajamas making you shiver as Joanna led you to the white/silver car that was parked in front of the house.

"Are you sure we should do this?" you asked once the three of you were in the car.

"More sure than sure." Joanna nodded and you put the keys in the ignition turning it grimacing slightly as the engine roared to life.

"Put on your seatbelts." You sighed craning your head to look behind you and you backed out slowly telling Jane to put on her seat belt but she wouldnt budge.

"Joanna tell Jane to put on her seatbelt." you said annoyed as you kept your eyes on the road until you were at a stop light.

You quickly glanced to Joanna and sighed when you saw she was asleep.

"Jane put your seatbel-"

Something massive crashed into the back of the car making you jerk forward and gasp as you saw Jane's body flying through the windshield you quickly tried to reach for her but the air bag flew out blocking your view and by time you moved it out of your way Jane was lying in the middle of the road dead and you passed out from a wound in the head you didnt know you had.


"Amnesia. They have Amnesia they probably wont remember anything that has happened in the past few years like meeting eachother and I suggest you dont tell them because they could go into shock."

"And Jane?" John asked looking up at the doctor with red eyes.

"She um.. She was dead before she even hit the ground."


Back Story on why John killed

Joanna and why he wants you

killed. And also why you and

Joanna dont know eachother.

If you dont understand

basically he hates you because

you killed his favourite

daughter and he blames you.

Stolen - J. McCann X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now