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(A/N) - You dont know what day it is in the story and by 'Remaining' i mean how many days left until January 8 the day he's supposed to kill you.

Remaining: 10 days
Date: December 29, 2015
Time: 11:01 AM

"I bet it was John's wife." Alex's harsh Russian accent snapped you away from your peaceful icecream eating.

"John has a wife?" You sniffed shoveling more of the f/f icecream in your mouth.

Since no one knew the Roachs real name you and Alex decided to call him John. As in John Doe.

(When you dont know a males name in the US we call 'em John Doe's and for girls its Jane Doe)

"Yea look." She turned her phone screen over so you could see and instictively pulled it back when you reached for it and shrugged when you glared at her.

"I dont trust you. Not worthy of trust." Alex said scrolling through so more of whatever she was looking at.

With those words it was like something clicked inside of you.


If they trust you maybe they'll let their guard down... And you'll be able to run away. Your eyes trailed down to the cast that adourned your right foot and the ankle boot that adourned your left.

Maybe the running can wait till after you get those things removed.

Atleast you have a few months to gain their trust.

"Do you wanna go on a mission?" Jason poked his head through the bedroom door.

"Me?" you asked your mouth full of icecream and your eyebrows furrowed.


"Cant walk."

"Exactly." he smirked slightly. "The mission's tomorrow, Alex'll shower you and stuff unless you want me to do it." he winked at the end.

You blushed a little and shoved more icecream in your mouth. You found it extremely weird to have someone else bathe you.

"N-no ill pass."


Remaining: 9 days
Date: December 30, 2016
Time: 9:30 PM

"Y/N, roll in and distract the guard with your 'remarkable beauty' and use the Handicap card alot." Jason instructed through the head piece and you nodded flatting down the innocent pink dress and tightening the pigtails in your hair.

You could try to roll away or tell the guard that your kidnapped but either way you and the guard would wind up dead, and judging by the ring on his ring finger he was married and possibly a father so you decided not to play with his life.

"Okay." you whispered into the earpiece gripping the wheels of the wheel chair and rolling yourself to the large glass door of the bank pretending to not being able to open the door.

And looking to the guard pleadingly as he locked up the registers. He looked at you his face hard like stone and then turned back to continue what he was doing.

"Try again. Look more desperate." Luke sighed into the intercom and you rolled your eyes.

He hasnt talked to you in forever and now he decides to talk to you? Boys.

You inhaled deeply , thinking about a time where you felt 'desperate' and vulnerable.

You widen your eyes dramatically and used your palm to bang against the glass door, startling the guard and making him turn his head and huff before he stormed over to you and used a key around his neck to unlock the door only poking his head out and you let tears form as you thought about your father and about the first day Jason took you.

"We are closed ma'am." he deadpanned.

"H-help need help." you said in a mock russian accent frantically looking around as if someone was coming for you.

"What happened?" he asked suddenly looking alert and looking down the dark empty sidewalk.

"Someone trying kidnap me." you trembling in your wheel chair.

"Y/N.." Jason warned into the earpiece.

"Is my accent really that bad?" Alex asked obviously not worried about you potentially exposing them.

"Whose trying to kidnap you ma'am? " the guard asked with his hand resting on his gun holster.

"N-no safe here." you said in your 'Russian' accent before gesturing inside.

The guard hesitatantly pushed the door open widely leaving you room to wheel in and you slyly placed a card infront of the lock so it wouldnt close all the way.

"You scared me for a minute there Y/N."

"Yea thought you traited us just now."

The rest of the muttered their agreements and you just ignored them continuing to con the guard making sure his back was to the door as the gang snook in.

"Need bathroom. Where bathroom?" you asked as if you didnt know but in reality you did because you memorised the blueprints.

"Right around the corner past the elevator. Need help?" the guard asked gesturing towards your wheel chair and you scrunged up your face in disgust. Without answering you brought your hand up revealing the middle finger.

You expertly turned your chair around and wheeled towards the the corner and turned left seeing the gang standing there and waiting, but you just wheeled past them and toward your destination.

"That was hella bad ass." Michael said from behind you,the gang was walking behind you as you lead the way to the vault.

"Why exactly are we robbing a bank?" you asked holding your hand out and Michael placed the explosive in it.

You attached the explosive to the door and set the timer to 10 seconds, before wheeling backwards hoping the gang took the hint and walked backwards so you didn't run them over.

As soon as the timer hit zero it exploded and then you remembered.

"Wheres the guard?" you asked turning around in your wheel chair to see Luke, Ashton, Michael and Jason standing behind you and Alex panting as she jogged around the corner.

"Took care of him."

"Dont tell me you killed him."

"Course not. I just cut him out of his clothes took his keys, phone and weapons then i pushed him out the door and locked it before he could do anything about it. " she said like it was the most normal thing ever.

"Lets just get this over with."


Im sorry if your personality

Doesnt stay the same its just

That my personality doesnt

Stay the same so its just the

Way i write.

Im changing update days to


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Okayy Byeeee

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