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"A table for 8 please

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"A table for 8 please." Nana says as we walk in through a small building where we going to get some food.

"This way, please."

We settle down in a table placed in the corner. An Elf girl with big brown cat like eyes and long, sharp ears comes along to collect our orders.

For a moment, she seemed startled to see Aiden but quickly turned her expression neutral.

After taking our orders, she went away to get a jug of the same red liquid, Aiden had given me earlier on our picnic.

It was apparently made from a fruit called 'Crimson Granadilla', extensively grown in Avrael and exported everywhere else.

The elven girl soon came with our food which consisted of an assortment of berries and nuts, bread, meat, eggs, blueberry jam and butter.

I grab a spoon, scoop up a generous amount of jam on a slice of bread and bite into it. I almost moan at the taste.

"You know what would have saved money? If you guys conjured up food using ma-" I'm cut off by Melissa and Stella shushing me. I look at them startled.

"What's wrong?" I ask, swallowing my food.

Suddenly everyone looked uncomfortable and looked at Nana for help. She sighed.

"There's something else you need to know."

My eyebrows shot up. I took another bite and motioned for her to continue.

"We are not allowed to use magic anymore-"

I cut her off by coughing and sputtering like a lunatic on crack. Jason who was seated next to me, thumped my back hard. Aiden passes over a glass of juice and I hurriedly gulp it down.

"A warning would have been nice." I croak and then clear my throat.

"So like Nana was saying, we aren't allowed to use magic anymore unless you can pay the tax for it and have the permission from the High King, which is hard considering well, he is not exactly very -" Hailey stopped to reconsider her words.

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