t h i r t y s i x

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I wake up to the sound of knocking on the door

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I wake up to the sound of knocking on the door. The room is fairly dark, save for a few streaks of light peeping in through the closed curtains. I glance at the sleeping figure next to me. A smile instantly forms on my lips as my eyes take in her innocent face.


I brush stray strands of hair away from her slightly parted lips. Rora unconsciously leans into my touch allowing my smile to widen. I cradle her face gently and press a kiss on her forehead. She mumbles something incoherent and turns away from me, burrowing herself instead into the pillows. The incessant knocking on the door breaks the trance. I frown and sit up. Careful not to be too loud in case I wake Rora up, I call out for the person to come in.


"Your Highness."

The door opens to reveal two hand maids with their heads bowed down in respect.

"What is it?" I ask, slightly annoyed to have my sleep disturbed. Even more so, since this will be the last time I get to spend time with my princess, before I leave for Avrael.

"His Majesty has asked us to inform you that the dignitaries from each kingdom will arrive in an hour. He would like for the Princess to be dressed and ready by then. He also asked us to tell you that you may remain for the meeting if you wish to. If not, your transportation awaits you." One of them replied.

I run my fingers through my hair and sigh.

"Alright. I will call for you when the Princess is ready to get dressed. You may leave." I said.

"Very well, Your Highness. We'll be right outside when you need us!" The other said, this time.

The hand maids leave the room but not before I briefly catch their wandering eyes and flushed faces. I glance at my bare torso and roll my eyes as they finally shut the doors behind them. I hear giggling and murmurs through the closed door and quickly mutter a sound-blocking spell. A sheen of transparent blue light spreads across the room before vanishing into thin air. The room instantly falls silent.

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