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I finish packing my things, I told my parents aware that I want to get help, they agreed that it would be helpful but they said they didn't want me to be away from them.

Zeref and my family are the only ones that know, I want my reunion with my friends to be one where I'm healthy and sane.
All the nightmares, the hallucinations, the laughs, they all haunt me, coming back every time to remind me of both events in which i was put through a living hell.
"Lucy?" Zeref says as he opens my door, "Are you ready?" I nod and close my bag, there is mostly books and journals in my bag, I'm not so sure how long it will take before i get out of there, all i hope is that it's soon.

I make my way to the car, I say goodbye to my parents and to Michelle, Zeref is going to be taking me to Starlight. There i will say my goodbye to Zeref and i will be able to get better.

As the days passed everything felt better, 3 weeks and I already felt better, the nightmares are slowly getting better, I don't hear the laughs as much. Slowly my brain and body was healing. Getting shot was definitely not the best idea I had but I made it out alive, injured, but alive. 

As the days go by Zeref comes by and tells me the everyone has still been going to my house to try to talk to me. "What do you want me to tell them?" he asks me in a concerned manner. "I want you to tell them I'll be back in a couple months, tell them where I am, just don't allow them to come visit me." I say reassuringly. He nods and smiles,  "How are you doing here?" I tell him that everything is getting better, I don't see him or hear him as much. "I also made a friend, her name is Coco, she's really nice. She keeps me company when I'm not in my room reading." 

After talking to Zeref he leaves and I go back to my room. I really hope I get better soon. I want to see my friends when I'm out, I'll go back to school and I'll be with everyone once again. I don't know how everyone else is doing, the last time they saw me was when my unconscious and bloody body was being taken to an ambulance. Zeref said that they all went to check up on me every day, they asked how I was doing and that Natsu was pretty upset about him shooting me. "I miss them so much... Natsu... please don't worry." I say in a quiet tone. I lay down in my bed, everything is white, they say that asylums sometimes make things worse, that the loneliness and silence makes peoples problems worse but for me, it makes me feel calm. Sure it freaks me out sometimes, too much silence can sometimes be bad, but I don't mind it. 

As the time goes by, day after day my thought and mind seem clearer, the haunting nightmare has slowly faded away. After each passing day the pain of not having my friends grows bigger. 

A  few months ago I arrived with a terrible pain, scars and nightmares that haunted me in my dreams and while awake. Now I can walk out of Starlight with my head held high and feeling sane and healthy. 

I can finally meet my friends after all the hell I went through.

Guys I am so sorry for the late update, I had it written but my computer started being a dick..... anyways I somehow got it back and there it is, again sorry please don't hate me. love you all guys. ❤️ -Drina

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