Explanation Time!!!

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Hey, guys! I'm just gonna start clearing up stuff that confused you guys in my story. This would be due to my faulty plot development or/and also to help you guys understand how I interpreted the whole concept of magic, people, other things, etc.

So, let's just get into it.

Btw, this is a warning because I'm going to get into some explicit content. There won't be any actual action, but there will be discussion on the topic, so if you do not want to read about it, then I would stop now. Thank you.


OKAY. Clare kissed Matt??? What???

Yes. She did.

And the blue that hung from her and Matt's lips? (Woahhhh, what was that???)

And why did she tell someone to get him to an infirmary??


So, allow me to introduce some background.

Who likes to follow the concept that Sans has a dick? (A lot of you...I see all of you dirty sinners. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you guys.)

So, yes, following that concept, and further following the concept that he could create his member with his magic would fit with the "Sans" that I have portrayed.

The magic that he uses to create his member would then follow the concept of ectoplasm. So, he would have control of....well, tentacles if you wish. (Gosh, you guys are terrible.)

Ectoplasm. Under my definition for this particular story, (not saying that it could define anyone else's) ectoplasm can be lethal to a human in large doses.

So, for the purposes of sexual pleasure, Sans wouldn't exactly eject a lot of that ectoplasm, therefore if you wish to swallow, you may end up with a headache, something small, or maybe nothing at all.

I'm going to just let that settle in for a second.
























FOR CLARE....when she kissed Matt, she produced a huge dose for him to swallow, and well...you can guess it! He took in a lethal dose of ectoplasm. (Yay!)

So, I never got to explaining that, and I apologise. (Terrible planning on my part, *i cry*)

That's all I have right now, if you guys want any clarification on anything, just ask and I will either answer your question in the comments, or write a whole part on it depending on content. Thank you! :)

I also have a couple of surprises coming up soon.

Love you, guys! <3
(I love you guys so much, you all don't understand, omg.)

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