(17) Good Times Mixed With Bad Ideas

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Chapter Seventeen

I take a bite of the green apple I got out of the fridge and lean against the kitchen counter, waiting for Nadine to come running out of the room and accuse me of something dumb; like me being the cause of how we landed. Another bite, wait five more minutes. One more, wait another five minutes. I place my apple on the counter and glance over my shoulder towards my room.

Where is she? Shouldn't she have come running out here by now?

Now curious, I take light steps to my room; trying hard not to make the old floor boards squeak under my weight. I pause and bite my lip as I step onto the one that is particularly squeakier then the rest. A whoosh of air escapes my lungs as no sound whatsoever comes from it and I smile slightly but as soon as it appears it disappears.

Am I trying to scare her or figure out where she is?

We're not friends, but then why in the world do I feel like I'm trying to scare her? Why would I want to be her friend, anyways? She just told me my mom is a demon.

Do I really believe her that my mom is a demon and that I was born a half demon? No, she’s got to be wrong. I just can’t believe that my mom would keep that kind of thing from me, something so big. But why would Nadine lie to me about it?

Oh, so now you think she’s the good guy?

God, why is my inner voice so rude? I don’t know if I think she’s the good guy or not. She seems like a nice person, sometimes. Speaking of, why the all of a sudden change of mood? At the store she was all hostile then at the gate she seemed like she genuinely wanted to help me.

The gate. Were we really sitting by the hate that led to the demon world? Do demons really go in and out of that thing? Could I go in there? If I went in could I get back out? What would happen if it got destroyed? Would I cease to exist? Or would I just get sucked into the demon world? I don’t think I could handle living in a fiery inferno for the rest of my life. The demon realm would be all fire, wouldn’t it? That would make the most sense, considering there, you know, demons. Oh God, is Lucifer there?

I shiver involuntarily at the thought of Lucifer being in this realm. He’d probably eat us. No, demons don’t eat people. I hope. I’m a demon; I don’t eat people. So, that’s that. No evil people eating demons are here, or ever will be. Wait, if I'm a demon and Lucifer is like the king of demons can he, control, me?

I see you have taken it nicely.

For some reason my pulse just spiked up at the sound of British’s voice. Hmm, weird. "You could say that." I say out loud while pressing my palms against the wall and doing push ups.

What are you doing?

I laugh slightly, "Push ups. Every heard of them?"

I have, yes. Bethany, you are one weird girl.

Stop smiling. I tell myself sternly for I am smiling like an idiot to the wall, "And you’re one mysterious guy. Tell me, British, what’s your name?"

His laugh floats through my head like a sweet caress and I find myself leaning against the wall, my cheek pressed against it. I’ll tell you tomorrow night.

All of a sudden an unwelcome image wraps itself around my brain. Me and British, standing in an alley way, his hand stroking my cheek, his lips teasing mine. His strong arms trapping me against the wall— "Promise?" I whisper throatily.

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