(3) Pain for Answers

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The song at the side is Behind Bars by The Wanted. :)


Dedicated to TieDye for the awesome banner :D


Chapter Three

 Pain for Answers

Kent gave me my water before he left the room. I gave him a pat on the head and told him what a good boy he was, seriously, I really did. He just chuckled and left, leaving me all alone with rat man, AKA Clyde. Nick left after I kicked him in the nose, I hope he’s not the type to hold a grudge otherwise I'm pretty sure I’ll wake up with no hair tomorrow.

Oh, speaking of my hair, which is on my head, I keep begging Clyde to go into the bathroom to see how bloody my head is but there’s really no point, he keeps saying no. Who knew persistent people could be so annoying? 

But since he won’t let me use the bathroom I have settled for asking him questions. Yes, it’s kind of a shallow victory but still. I’m sitting across from him, my legs crossed and my hands holding the water. I bite my lip and look down, "Why did you guys take me?"

He sighs and I look up in time to see him scratch his chin. I keep watching him, waiting for what he’s going to do. He casts his normal brown eyes down. "I’m not allowed to tell you."

An agitated growl escapes my lips and with a clatter put my glass on the floor and cross my arms while pouting. "Why not?"

His eyes find mine. "Because Bethany, you simply cannot know."

"Fine." I spit out, "then tell me, are you going to take me home?"

He stretches him arms over his head, which by the way is covered with short, and I mean short, military like style brown hair. "That depends on you, Bethany."

"What? Why?" I say, what is wrong with these people? Wait, does he mean that if I don’t go along with them they’ll kill me? I swallow thickly, "what do you mean by that?"

He shakes his head. "No."

Is this guy mental? "What do you mean ‘no’?"

"What you were just thinking," he pauses and looks at me, "no."

I gently touch my forehead and say in my softest voice, "h-how do you know what I was thinking?"

The room stays silent as I watch him and wait for him to say something but instead all he does is touch his temple with a serious expression on his face. Did he just tell me something? What does that mean? Does he have a headache?

With a sigh I gently let myself fall backwards and stare at the ceiling, well, the darkness. What time is it anyways?

"I don’t get it." I whine.

"I’m sorry Bethany but that’s the only answer I can give you." He murmurs and was it just me or did he just repeat what he said about three times?

"Why can’t you tell me anything?" I complain while tracing lines on my stomach and closing my eyes but a sharp feeling on the inside of my left wrist makes me gasp and clutch it, holding is tightly against my chest. A whimper bubbles up from my throat as it feels like a needle is scraping against my skin.

"Bethany? What’s wrong?" Clyde’s concerned voice barely reaches my ears. A loud piercing noise rings through my head—which does not go well with the needle feeling—and I grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes closed.

"Nothing." I manage to get out between clenched teeth just as the pain subsides into nothingness. As the pain goes away I open my eyes and smile slightly, confused by the large amount of concern that is quite evident on Clyde’s face. "Really, nothing."

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