The Discovery

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Meanwhile... back at Miranda's house...

Right after the kidnapper had left, Bridget and Jenny managed to kick and punch their way out of the weak sack cloth. Bridget immediately ran down stairs and looked for the car that might still be in the driveway, but it wasn't, so she ran to the phone and called her mommy.

Mr. and Mrs. Rand were at the Balancing Penny, the most fancy, and expensive, restaurant town. They only went there when it was the most romantic occasion it could be, and this was the perfect opportunity. It was their 17th anniversary and they weren't going to mess it up like they had so many times in the past. Once Miranda's hair had caught on fire, another time Bridget was dropped in pudding, and another time, Jenny got stitches. Don't ask, it was bad.

But this time was going to be perfect. Miranda was old enough to babysit and nothing was going to go wrong when they were alone. They were finishing one of the many courses and the waiter was coming out with dessert when Mrs. Rand's phone rang. She picked it out of her purse and mumbled, "What now...?" and answered to a crying Bridget;

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong? Why're you crying? Honey, I can't understand you, where's Miranda?"

Mrs. Rand dropped the phone with her mouth gaping. She quickly picked it up off the floor and asked in a panicked voice, "Are you okay? We're coming home right now, we'll be there in ten minutes. Ronald, we need to go. Now." Mr. Rand was obviously looking forward to the last course, "But what about dessert?" "No time." she said standing up and putting her cell phone back in her purse, looking panicked and getting teary eyed.

"But-" Mr. Rand began, "RONALD! Miranda was kidnapped!" Mrs. Rand screamed at the top of her lungs.

The orchestra stopped, people in gowns and ties stopped clanking their silver forks on their china plates, and looked up at the woman with confusion, with the 'why are you interrupting our dinner?' face. Mr. Rand stood up quickly, fear in his eyes, "Did they call the police?"


It was an abnormal Friday evening in the 911 operators room. Not many calls were coming in, and Terry was bored behind a desk with nothing to do. He tried spinning on his chair for awhile, but that just got him dizzy, so he put his head on his desk and decided to try to fall asleep. He liked his job, sending help to people. It was also really interesting to hear how many different kinds of problems other people could have, and he felt lucky he didn't have them.

Right on the verge of a deep dream his phone rang. Ring, ring, ring... 'Finally!' he thought, and answered, "Hello? 911, what's your emergency?" A woman at the end of the line screamed, "Help! My daughter's been kidnapped!" Terry calmly asked, "What's the address?"


Mr. and Mrs. Rand raced down the street and into their driveway, screeched to a halt and ran out of the car and through the front door. Their two youngest daughters came up to them crying and screaming, "He took her! He took her!" Mrs. Rand hugged them while Mr. Rand ran upstairs calling Miranda's name, unable to believe she was really gone.

An hour later CSI was all over the place looking for evidence. Mr. Rand was on the front porch breaking down, and his wife came over to him and put her arm around him, "It's gonna be okay. The police are all over it. They're gonna help us." Her husband looked at her, "No, it's my fault. I was the one who wanted her to babysit and stay home. I was the one who wanted to go on the date -" "And it was wonderful." Mrs. Rand interjected, "And it's not your fault, it's the 'low life who'll be put in jail's fault."

A cop walked out of the door behind them and coughed meaningfully, trying to politely break up the cry session. He wasn't one for that emotional stuff, he learned that years ago. He was more like 'cry me a river and get over it,' yeah your kid was kidnapped, deal with it. And here he was breaking up a cry fest, normal him. Mr. and Mrs. Rand stood up and wiped the tears out of their eyes.

"Hello, I'm Officer Joe Crop. I'm sorry that we had to meet this way." he greeted them, not really meaning the words he said. They all shook hands. "I'm gonna help you find Miranda, and we found some hints on the guy who took her." He turned around and showed them the handle on the front door. It had all the full fingerprints of the man who broke in with a crowbar on the side of the door. "After we get these little boogers sent off to the lab, we'll have your guy." Officer Joe beamed.

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