Chris South

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As they pulled into the driveway of a two story home, Miranda was getting more hopeful of an escape. If only John was there without the gun, she'd have more time to run the opposite way if he got distracted. But when he silently turned off the car engine, John was the one to get out and put his ski mask and sunglasses on. Before he closed the door to the vehicle, he told Kurt, "I'll be back with some food too."

After watching John masterly unlock the front door with something small that Miranda couldn't see, he went into the darkness. Minutes later, he came back out with an already limp body over his shoulder. He seemed to carry it very easily, but when he opened the door Miranda was leaning on, he grumbled, "God, why's he gotta be so heavy? Move over, girl." and he slid the body into the seat next to her.

Miranda examined the unconscious person after the men traded seats and Kurt began to get on the highway again. It was a boy about Miranda's age, 15 or so, with dirty blond hair, freckles, and really white teeth. She put his head on her lap and gently tapped his cheek so the men couldn't hear what she was doing. His hands and feet were already bound, but when he slowly opened his blue eyes, he reached them up to rub his temples. "Where am I?" he asked looking around.

"You're in a car being held captive against your will by Kurt," Miranda kept her voice low and pointed to the man driving, "and John," pointing to the other man. "I'm Miranda, and I was kidnapped too." The boy looked really confused, so Miranda pushed on. "What's your name?" she whispered, and he mumbled. "Uh, Chris," and sat up. A passing car lit up his face, and Miranda suddenly recognized him.

"Holy shit! You're Chris South!" she almost screamed, and John turned around with a can of soup and a Cheerio box in his hands. "Shut up, or I'll throw this!" lifting his arm to throw the can of Progresso soup at their heads threateningly. "Okay, okay! Calm down!" Miranda said and lifted her arms for protection. After he turned around again she whispered, "You're Chris South?!" He looked matter-of-factly at Miranda, "Yep, d'you win a billion dollars too?"

Chris's family had also won the lottery a few years back, but they didn't keep it quiet, like Miranda's. They went out and told the whole world about winning one of the biggest lotteries ever. They were instantly famous, hooking up with stars and doing commercials for the Indiana lottery. Chris was even pronounced, in one of Miranda's favorite magazines, the hottest fifteen-year-old boy in Indiana that year. Well, all that popularity had karma coming up on that family, and here it was.

"No, but I did win the lottery once. Which makes us similar." Miranda whispered pointing out why they were both here. "And these men kidnapped us for ransom," sticking a thumb in their direction, "So, all they want is money, not to kill us, hopefully, so do what they say and we can get out of here faster. Unless... of course... you have an escape plan?"

More updates coming soon, so stay updated. Vote! Comment! I appreciate it! Read on.

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