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Barry couldn't breathe. It felt like he was struck by lightning again. It didn't help that it felt like every point of contact between the two felt like fire. Literal electricity flickering between them. 

What was she doing here?

How did she find him? Especially now. After all this time. 

"Are you going to stare at me all night Allen or are you going to say something?" 

Her words didn't process in his mind. His forearm still placed against the girl's neck. He could feel the skin of his arm beginning to burn, sweat seeping through his suit. 

"Barry? What is it? Are you okay?" Cisco calls through the intercom, his voice barely piercing through the fog that had taken over his mind. 

Shaking his head, Barry pulls his arm away in a hurry, swearing under his breath. Rowan smirks, pushing off from the pillar and pushing on Barry's chest. "You finally snap out of it Allen?"

"What are you doing here?"

A distant look passes over her eyes, the temperature of the room increasing. "I finished my work and I figured I would drop in." 

"You've been missing for so long. Everyone was worried about you." 

Looking away, Rowan frowns, "I know. I had to deal with some things."

"Where were you?"

A small laugh escapes from her, Rowan pulling her gloves from her hands, "Where wasn't I?"

"Barry who are you talking to?" Cisco shouts, even Rowan being able to hear from her position. "Are you okay? Are you in trouble?"

Realizing that his friends were able to hear his side of the conversation, Barry falls quite. "Is there somewhere we can go to talk?" Rowan hisses, "In private?" She adds hastily, remembering the voice she heard moments ago from Barry's intercom. 

Barry nods, holding a finger to his lips. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be right back." He clicks off his com, turning to the girl who made his heart race faster than his feet could carry him. "Come to my place in an hour. We can talk there." 

"See you then Allen." She smirks, turning and sprinting into the darkness. 

"Wait!" He calls to the darkness, realizing why Cisco called her Shadowgirl. "I didn't give you my address." 


Barry paced the floor space that was actually clear in his apartment. After dropping off his suit and reassuring his team that he was fine and everything, he zoomed back to his apartment and cleaned what he could. 

He liked to think that he was tidy but nothing would be good enough for the vigilante. She would be able to pick apart anything even if the apartment was completely bare. 

He felt naked around her. She just saw through him and it honestly unnerved him.

Time passed slowly, and as ten minutes became twenty minutes he began to wonder if she going to come. Or if she even knew where his apartment was.   

"Sorry to keep you waiting."  Barry jumped, his powers kicking in and flashing him to the nearest exit, which he missed. Rowan covers her mouth with her gloved hand, snickering as Barry rubs his forehead which he hit. "You okay speedy?"

Groaning, Barry nods, "Yep, perfect, not like I ran into a wall at two hundred miles per hour." 

"Anyways," She sighs, "I'll answer some of your questions before I go."

"You go?" Rowan nods, not meeting his gaze. "You're not going to stay?"

"Just ask your questions Barry." 

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