Chain of Events

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Barry was multitasking. And he probably should have been focusing on one thing or the other but he really couldn't help himself. 

Rowan was still practicing, now by herself, on the mat not even ten feet in front of him. 

"What are you working on?" 

Barry jumps at Felicity's voice, hoping that she hadn't caught him staring, "Uh- just messing around with something." 

"Shouldn't you be figuring out what's causing Oliver's hallucinations?" 

"Sample's still being scanned. Shouldn't be too much longer." Observing her facial expression, Barry decides to speak up, "You're really worried about him, huh?"

"He takes crazy chances. Even when he's not hallucinating about beautiful island girls."

Barry nods, biting his lip. He was going to ask Felicity about her crush on Oliver but then she could ask him about his crush on the other vigilante. So they just remained quiet, watching Rowan continue her training. 

Rowan was fully aware of the attention on her, but she wasn't going to say anything about it. It wasn't everyday you got to watch a vigilante train and she wasn't going to deprive them of this chance, even though Felicity got to watch it all the time. 

Tearing his gaze away from the practicing girl, Barry checks his watch. Noticing the time he proceeds to turn the laptop on, a newscast showing. "Protests continue into the final countdown for tonight's ignition of S.T.A.R. Lab's controversial particle accelerator." 

Putting her equipment away, Rowan grabs a nearby towel and wipes it across he face. Making her way to the two she listens in on the news cast. 

"S.T.A.R. Lab's founder, Harrison Wells, promises a new era of scientific advancement is at hand." 

"I guess I won't be back in time to see them turn it on." Barry says sadly. 

"Why not?" Rowan asks, startling the two before the laptop. In the short time they had taken their eyes off of the girl, she had managed to make her way behind them, resulting in a good scare on their part. 

"You guys need me here." 

Rowan smiles, not able to find it in herself to say anything other wise. "Well I have to go. I'm needed at the station."

"Shouldn't you rest a bit?" Felicity asks, standing to stop the firefighter already on her way out. 

Laughing, Rowan throws the towel to the side, the sweaty material draping across a metal bar, "Do you know me at all Ms. Felicity Smoak?" 

She shrugs, exchanging a look with Barry, "It was worth a try." 

"See you later!" She throws her hand up in a wave, sauntering out of the Arrow cave. 


With soot coating her hands and face Rowan wasn't surprised that the short amount of time she was away from the Arrow cave someone, who will remain unnamed, wrecked said area. 

She sat on the unbroken table, feet crossed as she scrubbed at her hands. "What happened in here!" Felicity squeals, carrying a Big Belly Burger bag in her hand. 

Lifting her head, Rowan smiles at the two, "Great! I'm starving." She takes the bag from Felicity, going straight for the warm burger concealed inside. Diggle takes a burger from the bag as well, pursing his lips as Felicity continues on her crusade, barely noticing the lack of burgers in her hands, "Did someone break in?"

"Nope." Rowan answers, enjoying her burger. 

Just then Barry's analysis beeps, "Your blood analysis is done. Good news."

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