Call Her

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The last thing Barry Allen expected when he woke up from his coma was to come face to face with two strangers. But here he was, in the very place that placed him in a coma, surround by people he had never met before. 

"Oh my god." 

"He's up!" Cisco screeches, spinning around in fright. 

"Where am I?"

"Dr. Wells, get down to the Cortex now." Cisco speaks into his phone as soon as he recovers. 

Acting quickly, Caitlin grabs a flash light and begins checking over the boy. "BP 170 over 110, pulse 120. Pupils equally reactive to light." Barry cringes away from the overbearing female. "Look at me. Look at me." 

"Whoa, whoa, relax." Cisco instructs, walking over to Barry as said boy attempts to climb out of his makeshift hospital bed. "Everything's okay man. You're at S.T.A.R. Labs."

"S.T.A.R. Labs? Who are you?" 

"I'm Cisco Ramon. She's Caitlin-" He quickly corrects himself, "Dr. Snow." 

"I need you to urinate in this." Caitlin instructs, holding up a small, clear, container.

"Not right now!" Cisco chides, yanking the container out of his friend's hand. 

"What is happening? What is going on?" Barry shakes out of their grip, frantically looking between the two. In a way the set up kind of reminded him of the Arrow cave. Thus reminding him of a certain female vigilante who he was planning on calling before disaster struck. 

"You were struck by lightning dude!" 

"What?" Turning around,  coincidentally there was a reflecting  monitor right in front of him. "Lightning gave me abs?" 

"Your muscles should be atrophied but instead they're in a chronic state of cellular regeneration."

"Come here. Have a seat." Cisco grabs Barry by the shoulders, placing him on a nearby chair. "You were in a coma."

"For how long."

"Nine months." Wells answers, shocking Barry into silence. Not because Harrison Wells was his hero but because he was in a coma for nine months. Anyone he could have hypothetically asked out, would have forgotten him by now. 

He didn't have a chance now. 

"Welcome back Mr. Allen." Wells smiles. "We have a lot to discuss."


Barry escaped from the Cortex in record time. He even scored a free sweater. On his way out he found a bin of his stuff and within his stuff was his beloved cell phone. 

Now walking on the desolate streets on Central City, Barry was debating on who to call first. The obvious choice was his foster father, Joe West. But why did he have the urge to call someone he only really knew for two days? 

He pulled up her contact information, staring solemnly at the picture Felicity took of them at Oliver's charity dance. He really wanted to call Rowan Nyx. 

Fiddling with his thumbs he finally decided to suck it up and not be late for once. 

The dial tone rang for what felt like hours before it went to voice mail. "This is Rowan Nyx. I'll call you back when I get a chance, for now, leave a message." 

It was a simple voice mail, but just hearing her voice made him feel lighter. 

Now he knew he needed to call Joe and let him know he was fine but he just felt like calling someone who was sure to pick up. 

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