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Barry stares. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. 

There she was. Rowan the firefighter and Rowan the vigilante. The Phoenix. 

His hands shake. His mind racing and his heart beating out of his chest. There was something different about the firefighter but he never would have guessed this is what it was. 

Felicity holds her hands to her chest. Waiting for Barry to do something. But all he did was stand there staring. It finally clicked in her mind that he was stuck on the fact that Rowan was the Phoenix, the girl he had feelings for was more than what she said she was. 

Nudging the CSI forward, Barry snaps out of his trance. "What happened?" 

"They were injected with this." Felicity holds up the vials, which Barry takes and begins to inspect. "But Rowan was also hit pretty badly. I think she may have broken a few ribs and gotten a concussion." 

"Okay," Rolling up his sleeves Barry steps forward, gingerly placing a hand on the side of Rowan, feeling for any protruding bones. He wasn't this type of doctor. But he needed to do something. With his hand firmly placed but not pushing on her ribs, he could tell that her breathing was significantly labored and both her and Oliver were in bad shape. "Her ribs are broken." 

"What can we do?"

"Nothing really. We need to make sure that they haven't punctured her lungs." 

A sudden beeping cuts everyone up, the wires connected to both Barry and Rowan twisting as they lurch upwards. "Hold them!" 

"They're not going to make it!" Diggle shouts, stretching himself out in order to hold both vigilantes down. 

"They will. We just need to find out what's in their system." Felicity reassures, holding Oliver's legs down as Barry rushes between the two of them. 

Panicking, Barry runs his hands down his face. He didn't know what to do. He wanted them to live. He wanted them to be okay. But he wasn't this type of doctor. Sure he was smart but he didn't know if he was this smart. "I- I- I usually only work on dead people." 


"Alright, I can think of four possible diagnoses for why his body is reacting this way. There are more variables playing into Rowan's condition, however." Grabbing a flashlight, Barry peels open one of Oliver's eyes. "Make that three...two. Start chest compression's." 

"What about Rowan?" Felicity shouts running over to the girl as she starts shaking.

"It'll break her ribs further, but we need to keep her alive. Felicity take care of her, Diggle take care of Oliver." Coming back with a syringe, Barry nudges Diggle aside gently, "I need to get to his arm." Taking blood from the suffering man, Barry holds the syringe up to the light. "He's suffering from intravenous coagulation... His blood is unnaturally clotting. It's like maple syrup." 

Rushing over to Rowan he repeats the process, finding the same result. "You can save them right?"

Thinking fast, Barry spots rat poison in the corner. "Lucky you guys have a rat problem."

"Are you kidding? That'll kill them!" Diggle shouts, still performing compressions. 

"They die if I don't!"


"Do it!" She cringes as she continues her compression's on Rowan. With each push, she can feel the bones in the girl's chest shifting, doing more harm than good. 

"Just the right amount of this stuff will thin their blood and get it circulating again." Injecting the concoction into Oliver he then rushes over to Rowan and injects her with the same stuff. 

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