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****19 months later****

****Izzy's POV****

Today is the first birthday of mine and Alex's daughter, Olivia Rose Bowen. I can't believe its been a year since we welcomed our daughter into the world and I wouldn't change it for the world.

We've invited all of our families to come and celebrate with a small party in our back garden. I was wearing a cream shimmer cropped top with my ripped black skinny jeans and my cream ankle boots.

"Don't you look hot." Alex said and wrapped his arms around me as I walked into the garden. I could see Olivia safely in my mum's arms so I went back into the kitchen with him. "Can you believe our baby is a year old today?"

"No. It feels like just a couple of days since I went into the hospital and came out with her in my arms."

"How long do you think it will be until we have our next one?" He asked and wrapped his arms around me. We've been trying casually for a baby for a couple of months but nothing has been happening. I know it may seem too close to Olivia but we want our children to be close in age so they can be as close as we were with our siblings.

"It will happen soon enough"

"I really want a baby." He whined and nudged his face into the crook of my neck, whilst placing kisses on the smooth skin.

"I know you do, but let's go and see our baby."


Towards the end of the party we brought all the family together to sing happy birthday and present the cake.

"Olivia come here." I shouted across the garden to her and she responded by toddling to me on her wobbly legs. "Don't you look the prettiest little girl in the whole wide world."

"Mumma." She whispered and buried her head in my shoulder, a tell tale sign she was ready for bed. "Cake?"

"Yeah is daddy bringing out the cake." I pointed over to Alex who was bringing out the fairy cake. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Olivia. Happy birthday to you."

"Blow out the candles baby." Alex whispered and placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Happy birthday my princess."


I was snuggled up with Alex later that night as we got ready to go to sleep. I could see that he had something on his mind but I knew not to push it, especially when he could be quite grumpy at night.

"I'm sorry for being like this." He said and gave me a kiss. "I'm just thinking about what life could have been like if we never went on Love Island."

"Can you still remember that first night we spent together back in the villa? Just being back in your arms was like a dream come true and now we have a little baby together."

"This time last year she was a little ball of flesh curled up on your chest." He said and I could see the tears in his eyes. "And I fell in love with her faster than I ever imagined it to happen. Those eyes just melted my heart and I was instantly under her spell."

"Nothing's changed since then has it?"

"Hey you're just as under her spell as I am. I remember when we went on that weekend away and you were checking up on her like every day."

"That's what mothers are for."

@IsabelleBowen: Happy birthday I my darling daughter. Olivia this time last year I knew that I would be infatuated with you for a long time and mouthing has changed. Watching you grow over this past year has been the most exciting time of my life and I never want it to end. I love you so much👨‍👩‍👧

@AlexBowen: This past year had been the biggest whirlwind of my life and this little girl has changed my life for the better. Along with my beautiful wife she has made my life complete and I couldn't thank them both enough to for making me so happy. I love you and stop growing up because I don't think I'll be able to cope❤️

****16 years later****

Alex and I went on to have 3 more kids to add to out little tribe. A little under two year after the birth of Olivia I gave birth to our first son, who we named Jack Alexander. We then waited just under 5 years before we had another little girl in Grace Amelia and then we finished off the tribe a year later with out shock baby in Ella Louise.

Now our babies were all grown up, but still all lived at home. We have quite a close family and all our children know that they can come to us form anything.

Alex and I are still very much in love and we still have them tingles that you get when you first meet. We still make a big deal out of our anniversary and we actually visited the Love Island villa a couple of years after our wedding to go back to where it all began.

As for my family I wouldn't change it for the world and I know that I couldn't have a better set of kids to get me thorough the day. And to think it would have happened without that mad reality TV show.

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter. I can't thank you enough to for all the support you have given me on this book and hopefully you will all continue to read my new book.



Love Island 2016Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora