Who's going?

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****Izzy's POV****

After I'd told them that we all went and sat down and waited for the boys to come out. Caroline was still here as she had to reveal the result of which boy was leaving. Troy was the first to appear and it seemed as if his date has gone well.

"How did it go?" Caroline asked.

"That girl in there is proper fit. I think we got along well I mean we just kind of talked and had a natural banter between us." He said. "But I don't think there's any sexual attraction there which worries me."

"At least you let her talk" I joked.

Then Adam appeared around 20 minutes later. He gave everyone a quick hug and then stood next to Troy at the top.

"How did it go Adam?" Caroline asked.

"It was good I mean there was always someone talking." He said which made everyone laugh. "Come on then Caroline reveal who she's chosen."

"Well that's the thing I'm not the one who's going to reveal the results." She said which made everyone look around confused. "The lady herself is going to reveal the results, please welcome Lauren"

A blonde girl then walked out of the villa. She looked lovely and kind so I knew that I was going to get along with her.

"So Lauren which boy would you like to couple up with?" Caroline asked.

"I'd like to couple up with this boy because I feel like I have the best chance of having fun and maybe a little bit of romance in my time here. I'd like to couple up with Adam."

"Thanks Babe" Adam said and gave her a hug.

"It's fine" She then moved onto Troy. "I'm so sorry"

"It's fine." He said.

All of the rest of us then stood up and welcomed Lauren and said goodbye to Troy.

"Hi I'm Izzy" I said to Lauren. "You look stunning."

"Thanks. You look lovely as well, I've been watching everything and you and Alex come across really well"

That made me feel better as I do wonder what the public are going to think of us. Troy then left and packed his stuff while we went to the smoking area and had a chat.

I was about to start a conversation when I heard arguments coming from the side of us. Sophie and Katie were arguing about Sophie's intentions.

"You never said that we'd be coupling up as friends, you always said that it was more than that." Katie screamed.

"I think I can remember that I was talking to Izzy and we came over and told you that I couldn't couple up with you on a romantic way as I still want Tom. That was always the plan." Sophie said.

"Piss off Soph, we both know you never said that" Katie said and walked away.

I turned back to our group and there was an awkward silence so I started a conversation. "So who is coming off the worst?" I asked Lauren as we sat with Alex and Adam.

"To be honest I think you're all coming across really nice, but Terry and Emma are receiving some comments because they technically got together whilst he was with Malin." She said.

"Who do the public really like then?" Adam asked.

"I mean everyone thinks Alex is the fittest guy in here by a mile and they really like you two. I think because you've been together before there is a connection there and it's really obvious"

"Thanks babe" I said.

We then looked over to our right and found Tina and Adam having a massive argument.

"We both know that it was never Sophie's plan. You should be more sympathetic." She said.

Adam bluntly replied: "If you spent more time worrying about finding love, you might find it. I want to ask you about this, what are you looking for?"

Upset, Tina walked away from him, saying: "Nah, I'm not in the mood."

I walked over and gave her a hug. "Don't worry about what he says."

"It's just annoying I mean he hadn't found love either." She said.

"Look just go and join in with the party and forget about all your problems." I said and turned to Alex. "Right well I'm going to make my way to bed."

"I'll come with you." Alex said and we made our way in.

I changed into some lady underwear and waited in bed for Alex. Let's just say we took advantage of the empty bedroom, it still felt really awkward being intimate in a room full of people.

****Author's Note****

I hopefully like this chapter.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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