₪ Summer vacation (Epilogue) ₪

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This story is probably too long to be an actual epilogue, but I wanted to write a small story. So, here you go!

Hiyori's POV

I left school, because I made my last exam. It was summer break now.
Yato has been nagging the whole week just because he wants a beach party.

To be honest, I would love to do something fun. But I still have to convince my mother and father. That won't be easy..

"So Hiyori! How was your exam?" Yato appeared next to me. Yukine and (y/n) also did that after a few seconds.
"You guys shouldn't scare me like that. It's creepy.."

"So.. Did you think about my idea?!" Yato said with sparkles in his eyes.
"Yes I did, but I still have to ask my parents. I can't just leave, you know."
"Just come in your spiritual form!"
"I don't know.."

"Just ask your parents first. Then you can use your spiritual form when your parents don't agreed", (y/n) said.
"Yeah, Hiyori. It won't be a good party if you aren't there", Yukine said.
"Okay, I'll try.."

"Yeey! Hiyori!" Yato tried to hug me, but I kicked him.
"Jungle Savate!"

Yukine's POV

"Jungle Savate!" I heard Hiyori scream when she kicked Yato.
I notice the purple tail at her back en looked at the unconscious body that was laying on the ground.
Tears streamed down Yato's face when Hiyori kicked him.

"Um..Hiyori.. I think you lost something.." (y/n) said quietly and pointed at Hiyori. She looked at herself and screamed.
"No! Not again!!"
(Y/n) and I smiled at her nervously.



Your POV

"So, Hiyori? Did your parents agreed?" you asked her.
"Yeah, I'm glad they said yes. Now I don't have to worry about my body."
"That's great!"

"But hey, (y/n)?" she said.
"Yeah?" you said back when you continued doing the dishes.
"You need a swimsuit for a beach party. I don't think you have one yet. What do you say if we'll go shopping?"
You turned your head.
"A-are you sure?"
"Yeah, why not?"
"I just never really been to a shop before.."
"It'll be alright, won't it?"
"I guess so.. But I think Yato and Yukine need something too. I mean.. Yato doesn't look like someone who has much clothes to wear, you know.."
"Yeah..you're right.." she said with a weird pokerface.


"Woow!", you said with sparkles in your eyes ,"So this is a clothsshop!"
"Is this the first time you saw a clothsshop?" Yato said.
"It's the first time I've been in one!"

"Let's go look for a swimsuit!" Hiyori grabbed your arm and carried you around in the shop. "S-sure!"

Yukine's POV

"Come on Yukine! Let's get some swimming trunks!"
I followed Yato with an annoyed face.

First, I didn't really care about how my swimming trunks looked liked.
But when I thought about (y/n), I had a feeling that I needed to impress her.

(Yukine x reader) Regalia ✓ [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now