A hit and run struck

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-Harry's point of view-

7 hours ago.

Louis, was the first one to leave. The night before we planned to have separate locations, he already left and said to go to a bar. We just texted him about the plan and he texted all of us with:

"I'll miss you."

Ofcourse, I replied:

"I'll miss you too boo." I laughed.

 I turned on the radio, waiting for Niall. The song's amazing, I can't help but nod my head with its beat. I started to chyme in. I wore my shades on to feel a little more cool. As I noticed the time, I yelled:

"Niall?! Come on!" He threw his bag on the back seat and jumped on board.

"What's with you and jumping?" I smiled and turned the engine back on.

"Roooooooooad trip!" Niall shouted. "I'm hungry"

"We just had breakfast like 5 minutes ago."

"Right ... right." He replied checking his phone.

"Hey, I got a text from Lou. 'I'll miss you' " He laughed with all the sanity leaving, honestly this man laughs at everything. That's what's so cool about him.

"Yeah, I got it as well, it's weird that he left so early, even before the plan was final right?" I said.

"Yeah, hey. Can you stop over there?" He pointed.

"Where?" I asked managing the cars behind me and infront of me and Niall's pointing finger.

"There! At Kenny's" I haven't even completely stopped the car when he jumped out. I mean seriously the bloody handle for the door's right there.

"Get me some hot wings will 'ya mate?" I shouted.

After 10 minutes ...

"They run out of hot wings, so I just got the original recipe." He told me, carrying 2 buckets of wings and plastics of fries and drinks.

"Dude, we're only two." I laughed helping him with the door.

"Yeah, and I'M the other one." Well, that made sense, i grabbed my bucket and drinks and placed them in my coffee holder. You could just fit so much in that little mother.

"We have like a two-hour drive." I complained while he's stuffing his mouth with fries and ketchup.

"And that's why we need food."  He said and we laughed.

"Off we go then," I drove off. It's only been 10 minutes from the ride and he's half-finished with his bucket, and me on the other hand, just had 2 wings.

"You're gonna choke to death man." I laughed as he continued eating.

"Atleast, I'll die happy." Niall is such a fun man to be with.

As of now, we're in Los angeles, I haven't told the boys yet but I'll be staying here at Cali. I think the boys will go somewhere like their hometowns, me I wanna stay somewhere that's loud, so the media wouldn't figure it out, as we told them we're gonna stay somewhere quite and trust me, Cali's not.

"So you're gonna stay with your folks?"

"Yeah, probably. You?" He asked.

"Maybe here in Cali."

"Nice one, haz." He responded as he checked his phone again. "Well, my flight leaves later this evening, so maybe I'll just stay here until, the crack of dawn."

"Yeah, sure."

The rest of the drive was quite peaceful. With him munching on his bucket and me tapping my fingers on the sterring wheel as i chyme in with the song's beat.

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