Chapter 18

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Harrys POV:

I ran to my car and once inside I group called Louie, Liam, and Zayn and told them to get in their cars and to get to my house, "Woah woah woah hold up Hazz what's all this about?" Lou questions in a raspy voice I guess I woke him up, "It's important Lou, just please get your arse up and get in your car and get to my house." "Ughh fine damn it." Lou grumbled back then left the call. "I'll be there shortly Harry." Zayn said then he hung up, "Harry what has happened?" Liam asked concerned, "It's gonna hit you as hard as it hit me..." "What?" "Liam.." "What is it?!" "They took Emmilia and Haley." after my words he must have dropped his phone because there was a loud thud noise on his end then it was dead silent on the line then after a few seconds I heard him sniffle and then speak up firmly, "Why!" "I don't know mate.. did you drop your phone just wondering?" "No I threw it." "Wow." "Yeah. I'll be there soon Hazz." "Okay Liam." then the call ended and I was 5 minutes from my house.


I pull up and Liam and Zayn are getting out their cars, I get out and we all walk up to my door while I fumble with my keys. "Where's Lou?" "Probably doing his hair." Zayn said and we all laughed walking into my house, "Ugh um, For your information my hair is already done." we heard Lou say from next to us making us jump, "How the hell did you get in here?" I asked laughing, "Spare key." he said simply like it was the most obvious thing ever. "How'd you know where that was?" "After being friends sense we were 5 you learn where the key gets hidden over the years." he said then stood up and walked over to us, "For your troubles." he said in a creepy seductive whisper in my ear while he slid the key in my shirt pocket then patted my chest then winked at me, "What the hell?" I say laughing and pushing him away then I pull the key from my pocket and tossing it onto the counter. "So why are we here? Eleanor was over and well you can guess why." Lou said and moved his eyebrows up and down and did a weird thing with his hips, "Dude we didn't have to know that." Zayn said walking past Louis and sitting on the couch, "Well the more you know." Louie said back then flopped onto a chair and swung his legs over the armrest. "Tell them." Liam whispered when he walked past me and sat on the other end of the couch, I walked over to the arch way that went to the living room and leaned against it and ran my hands through my hair then gathered my words and stood back straight. "Dylan and Tanner took Emmilia.. and Haley." "What!?" Zayn and Lou shouted and stood up, "Wait there's more.." I say and look down when Liam gives me a weird look, I didn't tell him this when I told him about the girls a little earlier. "There was someone else helping them." "How is this important?" Louis asked and looked at the other two, "It's someone we know." "Who?" Liam asked and stood up, "It uh.. it was Niall.. Niall was the other guy." Silence filled my house for a few seconds, "That dick!" Lou shouted then starting pacing back and forth, "No.. Niall." Zayn said and sat down on the couch and dropped his head to his hands, "You're sure?" Liam asked, "Yes Liam, the guy that saw it go down described Niall when he told me about the blonde guy the seemed rather mad at the brunette girl he was yelling at. Who else would help them? It had to be Niall he's blonde and he's pissed at me and Emmilia." "Damn it Ni." Liam said then sat down, a few minutes later after none of us had said anything Louie speaks up, "What are we gonna do?" "Look for them, we just need to get a move on." I said, "We'll split up, all take a car." Louie replied, "Yeah come on guys lets get going." Liam said and stood up, "Right behind ya mate." Zayn said and walked out the door behind Liam to their cars. As I was walking out Louis tugged at my shoulder for me to stop, "Yeah?" "You don't think Niall would... hurt her if you know what I'm saying?" "Yeah I know what you mean, and I don't know anymore with him. I'd hope he wouldn't." "Yeah mate I hope so too, I'm sorry.. I know you've loved her for a long time and you've just finally got her and she's been taken from you. I couldn't imagine how that feels." "It feels like shit. But thanks man, and before long fingers crossed we'll all be back hanging out and the gang will be back together but in the time being we just need to be focused on finding them before anything bad happens." I reply, "What about Niall?" he asks,  "I'll deal with that situation when I'm face to face with it." "Yeahh, well come on lets go Liam and Zayn are waiting." and with that the conversation ended and we went to our cars and right before I got in I heard Louis again, "Hey Harry!" "Yeah?" "Good luck mate." at his words I nod my head then get in my car. "Huhh luck that's the thing I have the least amount of."

Emmilias POV:

I woke up in a cold room.. a basement by the looks of it it's dimly lite and stingy and I can hardly see but I'm just able to make out the shape of a body about 5 ft ahead of me and it startles me. I look closer and see that its Haley. "Haley." I get nothing in response, "Haley come on answer me." still nothing, I look around to make sure I don't see Dylan, Tanner, or Niall and the coast is clear. I go to stand but am yanked back down, "Damn what was that?" I look next to me and see that my wrist is handcuffed to a pipe, "Really? Ughh." I look around for something in arms reach and there's a broom. "Perfect." I got to get it and my wrist catches, "Shit." I sit there a few seconds then turn around and slide just down to where my wrist is slightly being tugged and I kick at the broom, and of course it falls and hits me right in the face. "Really!" I shout then cover my mouth with my free hand and listen to make sure I don't hear anyone coming before I move. After what I'm guessing is a few minutes and no one comes down here I scoot back up and lean my back against the wall I grab the broom and extend the stick part out and poke her with it a few times.. still nothing so I turn it around and hold it up and just let it fall the bristled end hits her face and she flinches. "Thank god." I breath out when I see her move, "Ouch, why'd you do that?" she says rubbing her face, "I called your name several times and poked you with the stick end of the broom and you didn't even move.. not to mention I made a decent amount of noise trying to get the damn broom." "What'd they do to me?" "I don't know but you weren't moving." "You don't think they ruffi-" "No, no Haley they didn't do that to you." "But how would you know?" "Haley you'd know." "I guess that's true, but still they had to of drugged me to make me be out like that." "Or it could be the aftermath of why that dried blood is on your forehead." "What?" she snapped and put her hand to her head and winced, "I don't remember being hit." "Well I don't remember how we even got here. Dylan held something to my face before I was taken out the mall." I replied and looked to the stairs there was muffled talking a door opened. "Haley lay back down." I said and pushed the broom away and got back how I was when I woke up, just then the stairs started to creek and Tanner and Dylan appeared. "Their still out." Tanner said as they got closer, "Yeah well I'll get Emmilia we'll take her back up. Just check Haleys head and well head up." "Okay." "How'd that happen again?"  "I dropped her walking out the mall." "Ohh geez man, well come on I've got Emmilia un-cuffed." "Coming." Tanner replied and scuffled back behind Dylan. To make it seem like I was waking up when he adjusted me in his arms I did a small yawn like groan.. like the kind that happens when you wake up and stretch in the morning. "She's waking up." Dylan said as he carried me into what I think is a bedroom and sat me down. "She'll be awake when Niall does the do." Tanner says and I start to freak out on the inside and my heart starts beating really fast. "Yeah oh well we shoulda dosed her more." Dylan says and it hit me they didn't ruffie Hales they ruffied me. The door shut and my eyes snap open they left the room, "I have to get out of here." I say aloud to myself and I dart off the bed and run to the window, all the windows are locked and I cant get them up. "Come on!" I snap and hit the window and slide down to the ground. "I can't leave, I couldn't leave Haley here." I run my hands through my hair and lean my head against the wall then stand up, I don't have my phone so I cant call or text Harry I'm guess Niall took it knowing I had it the last damn time this happened so he knew to take it. I turn around and look out the window and it looks to be about 6:00 in the afternoon, "Great." I say and lean my forehead against the window and shut my eyes. "Like the view?" I hear that Irish voice I used to love say from behind me, I spun around and he was standing by the door he pushed it shut and locked it then turned back toward me and started to walk. "Emmilia you're awake." "Yeah I am." I say pissed, "Woah now calm down love." he says running his hand down my arm and then grabbing my wrist, "Let me go." "That's not enough to make me stop Emmilia." he says now pulling me to him. "Niall please don't." I beg but he sloppily kisses my neck, "Please don't" I say again but weaker, he continues to kiss my neck then he comes up to my jaw, "Please.." I say now but in a whisper as I start to cry feeling the backs of my legs come in contact with the bed.

Authors note: Short chapter, sorry. I realized it's been two weeks sense my last update so I wanted to get something up. There's going to be two more chapter I think I'm gonna cap it off at 20, and after I finish this one I've already started on another that I'm going to resume so I hope y'all will read it as well. The prologue and first short chapter are up it's called The Theater Room so feel free to go ahead and check that out if you'd like it'd mean a lot. Any who continue to read and vote loves! Thanks!!

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