Chapter 10

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(Song of chapter Midnight Memories by One Direction)

*A week later*

Emmilias POV

This week went by soo slow, I could really go for another girls weekend like last weekend but tonight is fall formal so this should be fun. I'm headed back to my house now with Haley to get ready, Sam and Hannah are going to meet us in a little bit they had to stay and help decorate the gym. Oh yeah and Niall, Harry and Marcel are in the backseat. "Wow I haven't been in the back of your car till today." Niall said as he messed with my hair from behind my seat. "Really man?" Harry asked through a chuckle, "Hazz shut up mate." Marcel said then elbowed Harry which I caught from my rear-view mirror, "Dude!" Harry shrieked then thumped Marcel on the nose. "Ahh! Harry you know my nose is sensitive, It's been broken like 6 freaking times." "Well you shouldn't have elbowed me in my damn arm." "Cut it out you two!" Niall spoke up and cut them off and luckily we were pulling up to there houses. "Finally out of that car, Geez!" Harry said as he turned and slapped Marcel in the arm only to get slapped back, "Fuuuu-" "Stop you two, Go and get ready." Niall said as he stepped in between them. "Okay, Bye Emmilia, bye Hales see yall after while." Mars said and turned around. "Fine Niall. Bye loves see yall in a few hours." Harry said as he turned and jumped on Marcels back and they headed to his house causing us three still at the car to laugh, "Wow those two are something else." "Ha, Yeah they are. Well I'll see you later princess have fun getting ready, and bye Hales." Niall said then kissed my forehead and waved at Haley then walked up to his house, Then me and Haley pulled around to mine.

We got inside and went to the kitchen and got a lot of random food then headed to my room to get ready. When we got in my room we started some music, there's this group called One Direction that goes to school with us but no one knows what they look like. They record their music then but it up on a music site, Their music is amazing. Like I can't even describe it. Rumor has it they auditioned for the singing contest to sing the last song of prom at midnight. I hope they won.. Me and Haley know all the words to their stuff that they have out on the site. It'd be our nights made if they sang at midnight. After taking showers and drying our hair we decided to hurry up a bit with getting ready. I straightened my hair instead of going with my curls, and Haley curled her hair instead of going with her straight hair. "Ha we swapped hair styles." she giggled when she turned and looked at me causing me to laugh. Next came make up we didn't go to crazy with it just a little more on the eyes than normal and a hint of red lipstick is all. Then after hair and make up was done we got out our dresses. Haley's dress was a knee length cream colored dress with black lace and mine was an all black knee length dress with black lace and lace sleeves, and we both are wearing black heels. After getting our dresses on we checked the time it was 5:30 and prom starts at 8:00 but before prom we were all going to go out and eat. "Hey Hales you ready, Niall, Harry, and Marcel should be here anytime now." "Yeah I'm ready." and when she answered we heard a knock on the door. "Haley can you get the door I have to grab my bag then I'll be down." "Sure lovely." she responded then headed out my room to go answer the door. I heard slight talking as I walked down the steps but it stopped when they saw me. Then Harry busted into song.

Little black dress

Just walked into the room

Makin' heads turn

Can't stop looking at you

It's so right

It's so right

It's so right you know

"Harry what song is that?" I asked, "Oh it's not a song I literally just came up with that. I need to write that down now that I think about it." "Wow Harry you're good with lyrics, and your voice sounded oddly familiar." "Thanks, and that's weird I wonder why?" "I swear I've heard your voice, Is that strange?" "A little, But come on let's get going we need to grab some food." Harrys replied and gave Niall an odd look then walked out the door, Niall hasn't taken his eyes off me sense I came downstairs.  "Emmilia.. you look absolutely beautiful." Niall said as he stepped closer to me and held out his hand. I took it and he kissed the top of it, "Thanks sweetheart, you don't look bad yourself." I replied then kissed  his cheek and he intertwined our fingers and we walked out my house and to Harrys range rover. "Are we not taking my car?" I asked and looked at the other four. "You've been driving us around so I figured I'd do it for once. Give you some rest from it." Harry said and slightly chuckled. "Okay sounds good to me." I replied then me, Niall, and Haley got in the backseat and Harry and Mars were upfront. "Okay we're going to meet the rest of the gang at Nando's right?" Harry asked and looked back at us, "Yes that's where we're meeting." Haley replied and soon Harry pulled off. After around 30 minutes had past we arrived at Nando's and met with Liam, Lou, Zayn, Sam, and Hannah. Then after an hour had past we decided to get a move on and head for prom.

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