Chapter 5

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His words echoed through my head on what seemed like an endless loop, "Well Harry might have been your first kiss Emmilia, but I'll be your last." I was laying on my bed thinking about today I'd gotten back from the hospital about an hour ago and i've been thinking ever sense, "Emmilia I think I'm falling in love with you." His words won't leave my mind, Butterflies happen in my stomach every time it repeats in my brain. "Ugh I'll just call Sam and Hannah! Maybe they'll get my mind off this." I said as I picked up my phone and started to call Sam, "Hey!" she answered, "Hey! Do you two want to come over for a little bit?" "Yeah! text me the directions." "Okay I will!" Okay see ya soon!" "Alright bye!", After we hung up I decided to start some music to clear my mind a bit but nothing was helping... I mean I like him and both the things he said to me earlier made me melt and fall even harder for him and I guess you could say I'm falling in love with him too but I don't want to rush things and mess this all up. After about 30 minutes a knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts, I opened the door and there was Sam and Hannah, "Hey! Come in." "Planned on it." Hannah commented and we all slightly laughed, We went to my room and all sat on my bed and started to talk, "So how are classes at the new school." Sam asked, "Ehh there okay it's school so nothing is all that fantastic about it." I replied, "Ha thanks helpful answer that was." Hannah added in, "Well sense class sucks are there any cute guys?" Sam asked while elbowing me, "Yeah there is." I said smiling, "Well details." Sam said back, "Well me and one of them are pretty much a couple I guess you could say so do not hit on Niall or I just might hit you." I chuckled after my comment, "Okay Niall is marked off the list of guys to hit on...But what does he look like?" "You'll just have to wait and see." "Well what about the others?" Hannah asked, "Well there's Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn.. But Liam is also taken so don't hit on him either because Haley probably uses the same logic I do with the whole I'll hit you thing." "Okay also marked off, But what of the other three?" Sam asked, Well I've never really talked to Louis or Zayn much, I have Louis in social studies and Zayn in French but we haven't talked a lot, All I know is that Niall, Harry ,Louis, Liam, and Zayn are all really good friends. But I know Harry... I know him really well, He and Niall are by far my closest friends at the school.. I guess you could say we've been through a lot." I replied while looking down thinking about earlier today, "Well like what kind of stuff?" Hannah asked, "Well they were two of the first people I met, The first was Marcel he's Harry's cousin but back to the topic at hand, I don't know we've just been through some stuff the three of us, some good and some pretty bad." "How bad Emmilia?" Sam asked looking concerned, "Well ya see there's this guy Dylan... and he kind of stalks me.." I was cut off before I could go on, "What?!" they both shouted, "Let me finish I'm not to the worst yet." they both frowned when I said that, "Okay so Dylan followed me home after my first day of school and ever sense Niall and Harry have walked with me to and from school for like several months now, but Dylan didn't do anything creeper like again until today, he grabbed me in the hall and pinned me against a wall in an old classroom but Niall and Harry saved me." I got cut off yet again by the both of them, "What why'd he do that?!" "Let me finish. After all that happened I left for class and so did Niall but Harry went looking for Dylan and found him talking on the phone about me then Harry followed him and they ended up fighting in my front yard... and uhh Harry got stabbed." I said looking away from them because I knew they were going to flip out.

"Emmilia what have you gotten yourself into!" Hannah shouted, "Nothing! I can't help it that that freak Dylan decided to stalk me, I wasn't just like hey you yeah you can stalk me if you want. I don't know why he's doing this. but all I can say is that I'm glad Harry and Niall look out for me." "Okay Emmilia calm down I'm sorry I shouted at you." "It's okay Hannah. I know yall are worried and I'm glad yall care but you two can't do much to fix this. But lets change the topic now please this is getting me worked up." "Yeah sure thing just know we're always here for you." "Yeah I know, You two are awesome." not long after that the topic changed. "So about Harry... is he cute?" Hannah asked, "You're just going to have to wait and see for yourselves." "Ugh! Fine." "Do you two want to come with me, Niall, Haley, and the other boys to the hospital to see him tomorrow?" I asked, "Wouldn't that be weird?" "No yall are my friends it'll be fine." "If you say so then sure I guess we will." "Okay yay! You two can ride with me and Niall in my car." "Okay!" they replied excitedly.

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