Chapter 2

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(Recently edited)

Nialls POV:

Harry and I were on the way home from school and on the way we started talking about Emmilia. "So Haz what do you think about Emmilia?" "She's really funny not to mention really beautiful." "Yeah she is. But do you think we'll be able to both be friends with her and not get mad at one another?" "Well no girl has come between us so far and we've been friends sense 6th grade. I think we'll be fine." Harry said reassuringly. "Okay but if one of us starts getting feelings for her we have to tell the other." I stated. "Okay man. Sounds good." By that time we were walking up to our houses, "Okay well see ya later!" Harry called out as I was walking into my house. "See ya later Hazz! I shouted back then closing the door to my house.

I went to the kitchen grabbed some chips and a coke then headed to my bedroom i'd been laying there like five minutes when I got a phone call from a number I didn't know. "Hello?" I answered curiously. "Hey it's me Emmilia!" "Oh hey Emi! I gotta save your number." I said back. "Yeah yeah yeah go ahead but listen to me for a sec please." "Okay sure.What?" I ask back. "I know we just met but yall said that if I need one of yall to call so that's what i'm doing." she said back sounding worried. "Emmilia what is it?" I asked a bit nervous to find out. "Theres been a car following me sense I left school." she stated. "What?! Where are you?" I asked sitting straight up. "I'm almost to my house." she said back. "Go in and lock the door straight away make it seem like you're not alone." "Okay."she said back sounding scared. "I'll be there soon." I told her. "I live like ten minutes west of the school."she told me. "Hmm So do I and Harry. I think I know where you live see you soon."  I say and we hung up. I remembered me and Harry had seen a family move into the house that was in front and to the right a bit of our houses and there was a girl that looked about our age and now that I thought about it that girl was Emmilia. So I called Harry and explained what had just happened and I told him to go and see if it was her house. He's a bit more mellow about acting sneaky I guess he feels like a spy or something I don't know, but I sat on my porch and watched as Harry ran stealth like over to her yard then I got a facetime from him. "So  i'm at the front door and can hear the TV she listened to you and did as you told her." which made me grin slightly. "Hey stop that no blushy Niall" I was about to fuss at him when he started talking again. "Hey I can hear music..i'm gonna go around back." "Harry don't do anything dumb." "Sense when do I do dumb stuff?" "Always!" I say back jokingly. "Point taken."he said back laughing. "Hey I think I see her room. Yeah that's it i'm gonna climb this tree and sneek in." as soon as he said that he ended the call. "Dammit Harry!" I said out loud then my phone started going off that I had a text that had a video. "Ha dude she's dancing around her room to Moves Like Jagger this is her house." the text read that was sent with it. I'm not gonna lie she looked adorable dancing around her room and singing like that, but I can't help but feel creepy. The video also had her changing to her sweatpants and t-shirt. Yep I definitely feel like a creep. I tried not to think about it as I walked over to her house. I walked slowly over and knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before the door opened. "Ha hey Emmilia." I said with a slight chuckle and looked down blushingly. Harry with his flippin video all I could think about was Emmilia in her sweatpants dancing to the bathroom pulling her shirt over her head. "How bad was the video dumbo sent you?" she asked giggling. "Ha it was cute.. nice moves." I said back. "Thanks."she said blushing and looking away from me. "Well come in." "Don't mind if I do."  I said with a wink making us grin. "So where's dumbo at?" I asked trying to hold a straight face but failed. "He's in my room doing who knows what." she said back giggling. "Well we better go save you stuff before it gets broke. Also we need to talk about earlier." And with that  we headed up the stairs to find that the door was closed and that he had her music really loud. "Oh Gosh." I say putting my head in my hands. "I'm scared to open the door ."she said with a giggle. She opened it and fell to the ground laughing. Harry had on her ray bans, her fedora, and a scarf and was dancing around the room while The Fray played he ran over and swooped her up dancing around with her then he tossed her on the bed then he jumped up and down on her bed over her until the song was over then fell down next to her panting for air.

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