Chapter 4

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When I arrived at the office I played sick so I could go home, On my walk there I rubbed my cheeks so they looked red then I rubbed my forehead to make it hot... classic kid move I know but they fell for it and I got to go "home". On my way to my car I called Harry and he didn't answer, "Well great he could be getting killed or something and I don't know where he is." I said out of frustration. "Who could be getting killed?" I heard a voice I knew say, I turned around and saw my two best friends from my old school. "Sam, Hannah! Why are yall here?" I said as I ran to hug them. "Well our parents decided to move so here we are!" Hannah said while motioning her arms around. "Yeah we're gonna start school here tomorrow!" Sam said excitedly. "Ahhh cool! But I gotta go right now so I'll see you two later." "Em it's only 10:00 why are you leaving school?" Hannah asked. "I'm not feeling all that great." "Does it have something to do with what we heard you say before you ran to hug us?" Sam asked, "No of course not. Why would you think that?" I said nervously, "Emmilia."they both said at the same time dragging it out. "Ugh. Fine. Yes it does but please don't make a big deal of it." "Fine but if you get into something big don't call me." Hannah said trying her hardest not to smile, "You know she's kidding but really don't do anything dumb. and call if you need us." Sam said back. "Okay I will. I gotta go now bye!" "Bye Emi!" "Bye Em!" after they walked off I got in my car locked the doors and took out my phone and called Niall, On the third ring he picked up. "Hey what's up?" "Hey Niall do you know where Harry is?" "Umm no. Why?" "I got two really odd texts from him during my last class." "What'd they say?" "The first said that he was gonna be late for class and not to ask why. Then the second one said that he needed me." I told him, "That's not like him. where are you." "In my car. why?" I ask, "Stay there I'm coming to you." "Okay, but you'll miss class." "I don't care. It's not like I haven't skipped before." "Ha okay then. See ya soon cupcake." "Ha! Okay I'll see you soon beautiful." his reply made me blush and grin ear to ear.. I'm glad he wasn't here at the point in time I probably looked pretty ridiculous.

I sat there for about 5 minutes than I heard a tap on the glass that made me jump when I did I almost stabbed myself with the pencil I had in my hand. I looked over and saw Niall smiling, I unlocked the doors and he hopped in. "How do you have your car here?" he asked, "Oh ha my mom brought it by, she took like 30 minutes off from work and dropped it by because of the weather. She said she doesn't want me to catch a cold walking, and that she could just catch a cab back to work and home." "Ah, It's nice I like it." He said smiling while he turned looking at the rest of my car, "But it doesn't have a very big backseat." He said grinning ridiculously at me and moving his eyebrows up and down. "Well considering it's a Mini Cooper the backseat is gonna be small, and don't be a perv Niall. I said while laughing, "You know you've thought the same love. You just don't want to admit it." "Ha let's not have this conversation right now." "Why not?" he asked with a cheeky grin while he slightly elbowed my arm and winked at me. "Niall." I said dragging his name out a bit, "Fine, For another time then." He replied. "Ha you're crazy." I replied rolling my eyes, "Tanks Love I try." "Welcome cupcake." "So I'll try calling Haz this time." he said with a smirk. "Okay go for it." He dialed him and it rang about 5 times before he apparently picked up I could hear Harrys muffled voice start as soon as he answered then Niall spoke up. "Harry what the heck have you done!?" He shouted

After about five minutes of them talking and Niall figuring out where he was I cranked my car and looked over at him after he had hung up, He was leaned up against the window with his eyes shut. "Niall what did he do?" I asked calmly, "He followed Dylan after you left for literature class." "What?! Why did he do that?" I asked not so calmly this time, "He said that he saw how mad I was and because if I would've ran into Dylan he knows I would've done something." "But that's not all is it?" I asked, "No it's not... He umm he got himself hurt." "What? How? By who?" "Fit the pieces together Em, you know who." "Oh my gosh! Dylan?" "Yeahh." he replied looking down and sighing, "Well how badly did he get hurt?" I asked, "Uhh he got stabbed." "WHAT! Oh my gosh!" I started to panic, "Where is he?" I asked. "He managed to make it back to his house, and well the fight happened on the road that's in front of our houses." He said, "What why there?" "He followed Dylan and that's where they ended up, he was going to your house but Harry tackled him before he could. Harry said that he was beating him in the fight until Dylan pulled a knife and stabbed him in the arm." "Okay..Ummm, we're going to help him." I said without second guessing. Then I saw that I had gotten a text from a number I didn't know, it read, * "So you hear what I did to your friend? Next time I'll be sure to kill him. - D xx" I never knew I could hate someone so much I've never hated anyone but I was sure that I hated Dylan. Really the nerve he must have to send me that. "Ughh! That jerk!" I yelled out, "What is it?" Niall asked. I showed the text to Niall and of course he got angry he went to hit the side of the door but he refrained sense he was in my car instead he yelled out in frustration and ran his hands through his hair. And I couldn't help but think that this was all because of me. "Niall I'm sorry..." I said looking away from him, "Why?" "If I wouldn't have made a remark back to him when he ran into me one my first day he probably wouldn't have even noticed me." "Don't blame yourself for this. Dylan is an arse this was bound to happen anyway sooner or later because Haz was getting tired of him beating on Marcel. So don't you think on that idea of it being because of you for one minute you understand. Because I can't stand to see you scared or upset." He said as he turned my face to his I could feel tears in the back of my eyes, "Don't cry... please don't." he said so softly it was like a whisper. His touch on my cheek sent a spark through me like I'd never felt with anyone else before. He leaned forward towards me leaning in to kiss me. My breathing hitched as I looked in his eyes, his eyes were so beautiful they were a dark blue, darker than they were when we met. It felt as if I could melt in his gaze. I leaned forward and right as our lips brushed against each others my phone started to ring.

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