Mining Part 4

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So we all headed over to the gold on the other side of the room. We were all laughing, chatting, and dancing because of the amount of ores we had collected. We raced to the gold, and I made it there first. I hit it a few times with my diamond pic axe(I made it out of a few of the diamonds so I could mine obsidian) and it broke.

Lava shot out of the hole in the wall, and I had to dive to the side to avoid it. I got up and started running toward the exit. The exit was a narrow 2 block heigh 1 block wide hole in the wall. If the lava reached it, there would be no way out.

The lava was now forming a small river, which was heading straight for the exit.

"Get to the exit!" I yelled. Tiff just stood there, staring at the lava while screaming at the top of her lungs. I grabbed her arm as I ran past her, and dragged her toward the exit. Eventually she started running on her own. We all made a mad dash for the exit, and Tiff somehow passed everyone and made it there first.

She spun around and yelled "Hurry up!" Max made it there next. Then Brad. Then the lava.

The lava did block the walkway into the exit, but it didn't block the airspace. I dove over the lava and into the entrance, landing hard on my left hand. I scrambled to my feet and ran as fast as I could down the narrow passageway, not daring to look back. When I reached the big room with the waterfall, the trio was waiting for me.

"How are we gonna get up?" Asked Tiff In a panicked voice.

"Lemme' think about that." I replied, sitting down on a rock.

"We don't have time for that!" She screamed. She was about to keep arguing, but Max reached into her pack and started rummaging around in it. "Hey, what are you doing?" She spat. But Max kept searching. Finally, he stopped and pulled out his hands. He was holding a crafting table and a lot of sticks. He placed the table and got to work. In less than a minute, he had made a whole stack of the item that saved our lives. Ladders.

"Max, you're a genius." Brad said, taking 16 of the ladders and placing them on the wall. The tunnel was glowing red by now, with lava visible flowing quickly through the tunnel. Brad placed them all, and we climbed up. After running back through the tunnels, we only had 20 ladders left. We could see the surface above us, but we were worried about how much ladders we had left. We clearly didn't have enough wood or sticks to make more, and the lava was now about 30 yards behind us.

I took the lead, placing ladders as fast as I could. The others climbed up behind me. Just as Bread got onto the second ladder, the bottom of the pit filled with lava. Brad's reaction was to start climbing faster. Finally, we were only 4 blocks away from the surface. I reached back into my pack to grab a ladder, but I pulled out air. We were out of ladders.

"Does anyone have some cobblestone?" I pleaded. Everyone looked through their packs with one hand, looked up, and shook their heads. We had nothing to build up with.

"Hey guys, hold tight for about a minute." I said nervously.

"Where are you going?" Asked Tiff. My only response was to take out my two diamond pick axes(I look awesome with two, so I made two) and jump off the ladder in the direction if the other wall. The three yelled and screamed at me as I fell toward the lava. Actually, I was trying to hit the other wall and have my picks stick in it so I could rock climb, but my heavy pack weighed me down. I just managed to sink my picks into the wall when I was dangling 5 feet above the lava.

I looked down and immediately wished I hadn't. The lava bubbled up and singed my eyebrows. I jerked my head up and started to climb. It was hard going. The pick made and indent in the rock, but usually didn't stay lodged into the wall. I would have to grab the ledge and pull myself up. The lava was steadily rising behind me. I panicked and scrambled up the rock face. I finally reached the top, pulled myself up, and then stood up.

I scanned the area. I was standing in a jungle, and smoke was visible in the distance, over a big hill. I searched for something that I could use as a rope. Then, something caught my eye. The vines.

I ran over to the nearest tree, ripped a huge vine off it with surprising strength, then tied it around the tree. I took the other end and lowered it into the pit.

"Grab on!" I yelled. Tiff looked up just in time to catch a vine in the face. She started to fall, but Bread caught her. He and max grabbed onto the vine and climbed up. When they had climbed about halfway up the rope, the lava consumed the ladder. Good thing I found that vine. They climbed to the top and scrambled to their feet.

"You ready to head back to camp?" I asked.

"Ummmm, I'm safe now, Brad. You can let me go now." said Tiff, still in Brad's arms.

"Oops. Sorry." said Brad, blushing.

"Ok. Lets head back to camp." I said.

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