Lost- Chapter Twenty Two

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She looked really helpless. Its like, she was badly hurt.

And she really was. That bastard abused her.

He was even close to raping her.

And that was what worried me the most.

Maybe I almost lost her.

It all happened in a fast pace.

These events were something I couldn't control.

If I could, I won't let all this happen.

I don't want to see her getting hurt.

I couldn't handle seeing the person I love in pain.

She is my everything. She's my life.

I should have never let her be with that guy.

I was wrong. It was my fault. It was my fault that she was experiencing all this.

I could've forbidden her to go. Even though it might have turned into an argument if that was what happened.

But I just let her go like that.

She was physically and emotionally hurt. Badly hurt. I carried her and brought her to the car.

I could hear her quietly sobbing as I drove.

"Are you okay?" I looked at her.

She had her hands covering her face.

She shook her head. "It will all be better."

She didn't reply. "Should I drop you off at home?"

She shook her head. "Please don't let dad know."

"I won't. I promise." I focused on the road.

It was really silent. It was the first time ever that we rarely talked during a car ride.

She would usually talk nonstop that you could hardly make her shut up.

But everything was different. She was here, sobbing. Not smiling. Not even a bit.

She was quiet. She hardly even spoke.

I just wanted her to tell me everything.

How she's feeling, what happened, and what's bothering her.

But then I realized I should just let her know and let her feel that I'll always be here by her side.

"Can I just stay with you for now? I'll just think of an excuse to tell Dad." She leaned against the car window, it looked like she was thinking of something really serious.

"Sure, if that's what you want then." She gripped tight on my hand.

We stared at each other, but then she just let go of my hand after a few minutes and went leaning back against the window again.

This was not the Brianna I know. The one I know is really positive, insane, and always all smiles.

But now, she's just..... different. Like she's not being herself at all.

As soon as we arrived at my place, she just went to my room as soon as possible.

I realized she locked door. Maybe she just wants to be alone for now. I'll let her be then.

I saw James. "Hey there eyebrows." He said.

"Well hey. Brianna's staying here, okay. Just so you know." I slouched as I sat on the couch.


"I think I'll just tell you later."

My thoughts were just all piled up in my head. Part of me wants to bring it all out. Part of me just doesn't know what to do.

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