First Day

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Schoolbooks. Check.

Backpack. Check.

Notebooks. Check.

Skinny jeans. Check.

Dark blue top. Check.

First day of school.First day of being a senior.I made my way downstairs.

"Morning, Bri." My dad said.

"Morning Dad." I gave my dad a hug.

I went to the fridge. Cereals. The only thing I can eat quick.

"Are you all set for your first day of school today?" Dad asked.

"Um....yeah.I've always been ready".

I have to be. I pour cereal in my bowl and took a seat beside dad.

Before I forget,I'm Brianna. Brianna Parker. And he's my dad, Adam. I only live with him and mom isn't with us...literally.

I study at Brookwood College.I'm a highschool senior.

I finished my cereal and grabbed my things. "Bye dad,I guess I'll see you later then." I said,giving him a tight hug once more.

He kissed my forehead. "Have fun Bri,but not too much fun." He said.

I approached the door, "Oh and be sure to be here by six o' clock.You might not want to get caught up in the dark with bedlamite strangers." He added.

I smiled at him and went out. I got in my car and headed off to school. This is it. My life as a senior is about to start.... Now.

I turned up at school, 30 minutes posterior. I carry on to the school office. I got my ID and my class schedule.

"Brianna!" A familiar voice yelled. It was my best friend Ryanne. "Ryanne!" I hugged her.

"Didn't look obvious! Weren't we together hanging out yesterday? It feels like we haven't seen each other for ages." I giggled. "I know. So.. what's up?" Ryanne said.

"Im good. Where's Scarlett and Rachel?" I asked her. "Probably somewhere around here, chatting up with those adorable seniors." She said.

We laughed. "I'm not surprised."

The school bell rang.

We headed to our scheduled classes.Chemistry Class. First in my list. I took a seat. A guy waved at me, and I smiled at him.

Then there came another. "Hey there." Another guy said. "Oh hey." I said. "You're Brianna Parker, am I right?" He asked. I was surprised. How did he know? "Yes, that's me. How'd you know?" I asked.

"Who doesn't know who Brianna Parker is? You're like one of the smartest among all the seniors.

Word got around everyday, when it comes to your achievements. Everybody dreams to be like you. Everybody knows you around here." He said, smiling.

"You're just exaggerating. By the way, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Logan. My name is Logan Henderson." He said. "Nice meeting you." I gave out my hand. We shook hands.

Mr. Carter, our chemistry teacher, dismissed us an hour after.

"So why are you so focused when it comes to school? You don't seem to spend much time having fun." He asked.

"Oh... that? I aim to please and meet everyone's expectations, Logan." I said.

He smiled. "Oh that's why. There's my friends. Can I introduce you to them?" He asked.

I saw his friends. "Oh im sorry, I have to go. Next time, maybe? Is that okay with you?" I asked.

"Yeah of course it is. See ya around." He said, smiling.

I approached my friends. "Hey girls, how was class?" I asked. "Awesome. Oh my gosh. I saw this hot guy---" I cut her off.

"Tell me, how many times have you told us about those hot guys today?" I said, laughing.

"Come on, you haven't even seen them yet." Scarlett said. "Alright then. Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh there's him! Aw the other one's not with him! I wonder where he is.." Rachel said.

I saw a tall guy, who was really muscular. Perfect hair. But so out of my league.

"Hey there!" Scarlett said.

"Um.. hi there... ladies." He said.

"Im Scarlett and this is Rachel, and also, this is my other friend Brianna.You're James, right? James Maslow?" She said.

"Yes, its me. Nice meeting you, pretty ladies." He said, smiling.

Scarlett was smiling like an idiot. I really want to slap her right now. Shouldn't the guy be the first one to start a conversation? This is just so wrong. Oh Scarlett.

"Hey Rach, Ryanne, ill just go to the library. Take care of Scarlett." I said.

I went to the library and got a book from one of the shelves. I sat at the table found in the farthest corner of the room.

Then suddenly, I saw someone sitting a chair away from me.

Tall. Green eyes. Eyebrows.

He smiled at me. I just stared at him. I went back to reading the book.

I suddenly saw Scarlett, Rachel, and Ryanne approaching me.

"The guy beside you, oh my gosh. You're sitting beside every girl's fantasy here in school. Oh goodness." Ryanne said, hand fanning herself.

"Who cares? Looks just like a boy to me." I said and gave them a death stare.

"Alright then. Whatever you say. Shall we go?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah, sure." I stood up and got my things.

He looked at me and stopped reading. He grinned at me, and winked.

It was five-thirty in the afternoon. I stopped by at a cafe for coffee and headed home. It was five- forty five then.

I arrived and parked my car. I went inside. Almost six. Thank goodness Dad wasn't there. Probably going fishing with his folks. I went to my room. I worked on my schoolwork for calculus.

I got a text message. It was from Ryanne. It says:

Hey Bri,

There's this welcome party for all of us seniors. Tomorrow. Party starts at 4:30 P.M. Hope you can come. I'll give you all the party deets tomorrow.

Maybe I can come. As long as I come home early, and you know, just show up. It would be great. Or, I could ask permission from dad and tell him that someone will be there to drop me off my home. I'll see.

Being a senior will be fun, I hope.

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