June 2 Part 2

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"What are you doing!" Brandon shoved Patrick away from me as he shield me like a prince knight. Brandon glares angrily at Patrick. Brandon is so Sweet! Ok, now is not the time to admire Brandon.

"How dare you!" Patrick glared back at Brandon like it's a bullfight or something. "Cool down Brandon, it's not worth fighting with him. I don't want you to get hurt." I said concerned. "Nikki.." Brandon stared at me. There you go again making my heat rise to my face. If this goes on I might need a bag of ice to cool down my face.

"What's going on here?!" Exclaimed the teacher. "Patrick, Nikki and Brandon seems to be arguing." Said some of our classmates. "As a teacher of this class rule, I want you to stop immediately!" Ordered the teacher. Patrick and Brandon let off each other. The class continues.

"As I was saying, I would like to pick a girl and two boys as my main characters for the ballroom tango play. Anyone?" Asked the teacher.

"Pick Nikki." Said one of the classmate. I was surprised and stiff for a moment. "I..I can't!" I said but nobody notice. "Pick Brandon and Patrick earlier they've been fighting I bet this suits the play!" Another classmate said. "What!?" We exclaimed. "Very well, deal. Nikki you shall match and paired with Brandon and Patrick." Said the teacher. At a corner, Mackenzie was staring daggers at me with jealousy and anger. That girl just never change huh I suppose so.

The teacher hand out script lines to the class and schedule of the dance we need to learn. I stare blankly at the lines while the lines stare back at me blankly. There are so many lines to memorise! How could I get them in my head! I'm gonna be brain dead. Just great :( Plus the dance seems a bit complicated.

After some time. "Nikki it's your turn." Announced the teacher. I nervously step up to the front of my class holding my script shakily. Standing wobbly sweating. "Dan..cing..has.. been my..passion..." I begin stumbling over my words. My expression stiff and scared. While the teacher cross her arms and look at me. "Nikki you're supposed to smile with passionate eyes since you are now acting of how much you love to dance." The teacher said. "Ok." I try to widen my mouth and grin with my teeth awkwardly. My eyes darting nervously. The class look, laugh and point at me. Except Brandon chloe and zoey looking sympathy at me. That Patrick just smirk in amusement. He seems to enjoy this. Such jerk.
This is such humiliating day :(

Dork Diaries : Ballroom Tango Dork (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now