15 {END}

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-Hoseok's POV-

I ran as fast as my legs could bring me to the hospital. I hope Eve would not be in danger.

Just a moment ago, I received new about Eve Kim getting in an accident and was sent to the hospital. People said that she had major injuries.

"Doctor! Do you know where is patient Eve Kim?" I asked the doctor hurriedly.

"Oh, Eve Kim? She's at the emergency room, having an operation. However, it's not going as well as how we wanted. During the accident, one of her kidney was badly damaged. We tried finding suitable kidneys but, to no avail. She's in a critical stage right now," the doctor told me as my heart sank.

No... Eve can't leave me like this. I have to do something.

Wait, don't I have one more thing to help Eve with? I know it.

I'll give her my kidney.

"Doctor, I... I can give my kidney to her," I told him excitedly.

"Are you sure? You'll have to fill in a form and you'll have to do an operation. So are you sure young man?" The doctor asked and I vigorously nodded my head.

The doctor handed me the form as I changed into the hospital gown. Eve, I'm here for you and I'll always be.

I went into the operation room and saw Eve on the bed beside mine. Good luck Eve, I hope we could both survive this 'battle' with death...

-After the operation-

-Eve's POV-

I felt nothing. Nothing was around me. It's all pitch black. Let me recall...

Oh I remember. Truck. Light. And bang. I was in an accident. Where was I now then? I couldn't possibly survive that right?

But... I would miss Hoseok. I tried to move but nothing seemed to work.

I was numb.

Am I in heaven now? If I we're to be in heaven, I hope I could protect Hoseok from above...

Suddenly, I felt pain as I slowly opened my eyes.




I regained full consciousness before I took a look around me. I could only move my head as the rest of my body parts were in pain.

I looked to my left to see...


Why was he here? Perhaps he got into the accident with me.

But is he alright? I tried to use all my might to sit up straight.

"Sweet heart no! You need some rest!" The nurse beside me said as she tugged me back into my position.

"Why is Hoseok here?" I asked her in a low voice as I had no energy in me. It was just torturing.

"Well, during the accident, you suffered an injured kidney and this young man donated one of his kidney to you. What a nice man, you should be thankful to him," the nurse said as I widened my eyes.

So Hoseok donated his kidney to me...

I could feel my eyes heating up as a tear drop rolled down my cheeks. Hoseok did this for me... He owed me nothing. At least nothing left.

I should be thankful to him.

"Miss, is he going to wake up?" I asked the nurse with concern filled in my heart.

"Yes he is, you'll just have to wait a few more hours or so," she said as I heaved a sigh of relief. If Hoseok is fine, everything's fine. I just wanted to say...

I love you Hoseok. Thank you for being there when I needed you...

-A month after the accident-

Hoseok woke up from his 'deep sleep' and I was glad. No words could describe how I felt when he opened his eyes.

We were really happy together.

We went on dates and all those stuff couples do. And now, we're known as the Sunshine couple in school, cool right?

People stopped bullying me for not being the sunshine. Instead, they apologized for their wrong behaviour and we're friends again.

"Eve, hello? What do you want?" Hoseok waved his hand in front of me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh... I want an ice latte, thanks Hobi," I said and smiled at him.

We were currently in the café where we were supposed to meet a month ago.

We decided to go on another date, well, it's probably our seventeenth date already.

"The latte is here," Hoseok said as he took a seat in front of me in the café.

"Thanks," I said and started sipping my latte. Mm, it is sure some nice latte.

"Jagi, you have some cream on your lips," he said and was going to stand up and wipe my lips.

I pushed his hand away and said while giggling, "Cliché,"

Suddenly, he leaned forward and placed his lips on mine. It's not the first time we did this but it always makes me flustered and makes the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

Our lips moved in sync as we enjoyed the perfect moment.

In life, there's always different things happening. There can be sad things, happy things, even things that make us angry. However, that does not change a thing. The Earth still orbits around the sun. There are still clouds in the sky. The rain still falls and a rainbow appears afterwards.

At last but not least, there would always be rays of sunlight shining on people. Making their lives better, changing their negative attitudes to positive ones.

It doesn't take much effort, you just have to let the sunshine shine on you.

And Hoseok, is my sunshine.


Omo, this fanfic has come to an end! I hope you guys like it! I know it might escalate a bit fast but I still hope you guys enjoyed reading the story. Ily chingus~

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