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-Hoseok's POV-

After confessing to Jina how I really felt, the weight in my heart was put down. All the words came out of my mouth without me knowing and I felt like I did a great job...except the 'Love' part. Why did I say I had someone in my mind already? And who was that girl? To be honest, I myself don't know too. 

Jina left, crying her eyes out as I quickly went to Eve and checked on her. Ugh...she was badly bruised. I knew Jina was up to all of this.

I carried Eve up but immediately put her down. Her whole body was burning, as if she was on fire. I was worried about her strange behaviour today, so this is why. I touched her forehead with the back of my hand and realised​ she had a fever. A high fever. A really high fever.

Without hesitation, I carried her up once again and rushed to the nurse office.

I opened the door and looked everywhere to find the nurse, but to no avail. Suddenly, a sign in the nurse table caught my eye.

"Nurse is currently out for a break, would be back by 10.35," the note read.

I turned my head to the left and checked the clock hanging on the wall -- it was only 10.10. I couldn't wait any longer so I decided to treat Eve's injuries on my own.

I started from her legs...to her arms...but she didn't even wince a bit, I guess she's asleep as her eyes were closed.

Next, I moved on to her face. I looked at her cheeks, they were beetroot red and there were hand prints on them. This must be Jina's doing, I thought to myself as I clenched my fists, I never knew Jina was such a... Bish, you could say.

I looked at Eve's peaceful sleeping face as I thought about hardship she might have been through and couldn't help but feel a bit pity. My heart had this tinge of sadness whenever Eve cries or gets hurt, my heart also aches but why?

I continue treating Eve's face and decided to ask my friend, a love expert, Seokjin, about this. He was an expert at this as he has been through any relationships.

I started to move on to her lips and couldn't help but blush. Wait Hoseok, why on earth are you blushing? It's not like you like her or something...

Anyways, shrugging away the thought, I quickly treated Eve. At last, all I needed to do was to treat her fever.

I poured some cold water into a bowl and dipped a towel in it. Then, I placed it on Eve's forehead as I silently watched her beautiful face...did I just call her beautiful? I think I did. But I couldn't admit I was wrong, she was indeed a beauty. Her angelic smile and her hair, all those made her even more perfect that she already was.

-Time skip to after school-

After school, I went to the nurse office again and asked the nurse if I could bring Eve to her house.

"No problem Hoseok! And also, I heard her mumbling your name in her dreams," she said in a teasing manner and smirked. I quickly turned my head away so she would not be able to see me blushing. My heart was pumping fast and it had a tinge of joy in it now.

I carried her back home and greeted her mother. She carried Eve into her room and said that she could take care of her and I do not need to worry. What a sweet mother, if only she could be my mother-in-law. Wait stupid Hoseok! What do you mean mother-in-law​? Never mind, just...forget about it.

Afterwards, I head to Seokjin hyung's house and he greeted me with a smile.

"So what's your problem?" He asked me.

I nervously answered, "Um...so techniquely, there is this time where I said I loved a girl but I don't know who it is. All I know is that there is this specific girl called Eve and she is very cute she she smiles and she's really beautiful, whenever something bad happens to her or she got hurt, my heart would ache and I don't like to see her together with other guys. Also, my heart would bloom open like cherry blossom when she talks about me or does something nice to me. However, I think we are only friends...could you tell me why is this happening?" I could not believe I just confessed that bunch of emotions and feelings.

"Well Hoseok, all I could say is that..." He paused.

"I what?" I asked as my curiosity piqued.

"You're in love with her,"

-To be continued-

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