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-Eve's POV-

He looked at me with widened eyes.

"B-but I saw you with Seokji-" he stuttered but I cut him off.

"I was only talking to Seokjin, nothing else," I told him.

He was speechless, really speechless this time. I couldn't help but crack up a laugh in this serious situation.

"You thought I was dating him didn't you?" I teased him as his face redenned.


Then, my face immediately turned back to a serious one.

"You said you preferred Jina over me just now," I told him.

"I...I... I'm sorry Eve," he said.

"What are you sorry about? You broke my heart, my poor heart. You were kissing Jina because you wanted to get over me? Are you kidding me? If that's real, then let's cut off our friendship Hoseok. I like you, but I guess you don't," I told him and turned away, with years streaming down my face. I wiped them furiously and continued walking.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and saw Hoseok.

Angrily, I swung away his arm, "What do you want now!?"

"Eve, you said you l-like me?" He asked me, surprised.

"Well of course, why did you think I would find you so suddenly. I've said it before. Also, I talked to Jin and he said I was in love with you, I soon realised it myself too so I came to confess. But I never thought just because I talked to Jin you could do such stuff!" I shouted at him.

"Listen Eve, I'm very sorry and I hope you could forgive me. I... I was too rush. I didn't think properly and it led to this... I... I'm really, really sorry," he apologized.

"That's not enough, you still have two more things to help me with," I told him with a stern face.

"Hmm... What about I help you with one now?" He said and I raised an eyebrow at him. What did he meant by now? What could he possibly do for me now?

"Eve Kim. Would you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him with shocked eyes. Did Hoseok just... Asked me to be his girlfriend?

Eve do not panic! You can handle this.

"Uh... Y-ye-" I was cut off by a bone-crushing hug from Hoseok.

"Thank you Eve I love you so much!!" He said as he hugged me tighter.

"H-hoseok, I c-cant breathe," I said while patting his arm. He immediately release me and apologized while smiling like an idiot.

"So... You wanna go on a date tomorrow since we're..." He blushed as he started scratching his nape. I could tell he was feeling nervous so I helped him continue his sentence.

"We're a couple? Of course, why not?" I told him and smiled. He looked at me and returned the smile, "You're not mad at me anymore?"

"Of course, don't expect me to be those type of girls in movies or stories that don't forgive people. If you truely mean it, forgiving you is the easiest task on earth except breathing, eating, and sleeping," I told him.

He once hugged me again, this time he planted a tiny kiss on my cheek. My face immediately burnt shades is red as I slapped his arm.

"Don't ever do that again," I said shyly.

"Then I'll not peck you on the cheeks," he said and pouted. "But I'll peck you on the lips!" He smirked as he leaned in.

With my quick reflexes I immediately dodged him and said, "I-i'm not ready y-yet,"

'Yet," he said as he smiled. "Don't worry, I'll wait until you're ready,"

I was glad that Hoseok was such a caring b-boy... Friend...

Afterwards, Hoseok walked me home and I bid good bye to him. He waved too and left.

Ahh, home sweet home. How I've missed you. Especially the food and my dearest friend, Bob the bed.

-The next day-

"Mm... Chocolate... Caramel... Strawberries..." I mumbled in my dreams.

"Hot fudge... Kiss... Date... Date..." I immediately jolted awake.

"The date! The date I have today!" I excitedly scream that made my mom come into my room.

"What's wrong darling? Is there a huge grey bunny with a bow tie that kills people with its cuteness?" My mom said as she did a ninja move, holding a slipper in each of her hands.

"No mom! I have a date today!" I shrieked excitedly once again and my mom just smiled at me.

"Well... My little Eve has grown up by so much... Anyways quick get ready, it's already 11.4-"

"What!? Are you kidding me? 11 already?" I asked my mom as I took a look at the clock next to me.

"Oh shoooooot!!!!" I quickly got up and changed, not bothering to wash up or anything. My date with Hoseok was at 10.45 and it's like 11 something already?!

I immediately rushed out of the house and ran, literally ran to the café we were supposed to meet at.

I was in front of the road and the traffic light still shone the red man.

"C'mon stupid light, flash green!" I mumbled myself as I got ready to dash across the road once the light turns green.


The light turned green as I dashed to the other side immediately.

Suddenly, I felt air rushing through me as I felt a huge impact on my body. It happened so fast, it happened in the speed of lightning. It felt like the world had stopped spinning, everything stopped.


-To be continued-

Guys, something cliché gonna happen. Peace out! ♥

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